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INSANE SPOILERS! Asmongold plays through the Shadowlands intro experience, after witnessing Sylvanas breaking the Helm of Domination in the Shadowlands Announcement Trailer, we follow her into the Maw for the first time and witness the horrors of the zone first-hand. The intro experience starts in the Ebon Hold, in front of Icecrown Citadel, as we enter the Maw, we first meet with Highlord Darion Mograine, through the experience we find Jaina and Thrall, Jaina tells us she knows King Anduin is being kept captive by Sylvanas. Mcconnell also speculates about the next WoW Expansion while Asmongold goes through the gameplay…
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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold
► Outro song: CatDany – Get Enough
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Sylvanas didnt kill Bolvar, why? So he could tell us where she went and a way to get there, she kidnapped her enemies, didnt kill them, why? She knows we will come after them. I think everything isnt as it seems, there is something she knows that we dont about shadowlands, like we are just anima fuel when we die, and we dont have free will really. Maybe she is playing a game of chess and is really aiming to set us all free in the sense of our eternal afterlife freedom
Why is Jaina so tall? LOL
3:39 bro Tyrande isn't even paying attention.
So this whole thing they're building up as inescapable, we escape in less than half hour? Would be cooler if they built it up, we didn't get to go in untill sometime later. And we would stay there for a chapter or two. No hearth
what is with the jumping off things as first thing you do
By lore fking shaman needs elements to use spells, there are no elementals in death
I really hope they don't make this a whole time line thing again like with WoD. They do seem like they're making the story arc a foundation for them reversing what Sylvanas did with the Helm though … Back to the Future theme. Could be wrong, I hope I am. Thinking about how you would end a story arch like that, just leaves all kinds of potential fubar options. The writing hasn't been the greatest in recent years so, it could turn out pretty cringe if they don't do this correctly. "That being said", if they add good gear options with the PvP vendor, and dramatically reduce how much is on the GCD, I wouldn't care to much if the story is garbo.
Come on asmon have a heart she doesn't have the standard issue hearthstone. They wouldn't issue her one.
"There are beings in the universe billions of years older than any of our races. They walked among the stars like giants. Vast, timeless…"
You cry like a lonely little b****
i still have no interest in playing the game, i have gained an interest in witnessing the story
honestly, at this point i'd just let azeroth get destroyed.
Looked like Sylvanas and the jailor set it up to where the most influential leaders of both factions unite! … also I doubt time exists in a plane of death.
Fucking have so many questions right now, tryin to connect the dots smfh. Cause as I understand it Demons from the Twisting Neither taught Eredar Warlocks like Kil'Jaedan, fel necromantic death magic, becoming the first most powerful warlocks in the universe. So, if Kil'Jaeden gained the power of Maldraxxus, turning Ner'zhul into a Lich contained in a sort of armored phylactery. But, here Ner'zhul is not it's true master… like tf!? Maldraxxus' leader is missing, Sylvanas is the new Lich Queen making a deal with the Jailer. Is he talking about Sylvanas? Is the Maw setting a war campaign against Maldraxxus? I mean that's where the Lich King Ner'zhul drew power or the forces of Death from.
I'm guessing that the Prime Baron of Maldraxxus was taking by the Jailer or the now Lich Queen Sylvanas?
Thanks Southpark Jesus!
see ya on oct 26th
i hope we get some badass music for this place, like i need some baldurs gate shit
I hope they never remove the singing rapping spirit "yu-yu-yu-yu-…" it's a great feature!
lol watching this how he says "wow is in good hands" from the past and now "the present" where he totally changed that opinion by like 180° xD its like day vs night x3
"Hella litty"
Too soon XD
his real name? ASMONNOOB!
God I hate your face in the thumbnail, and I hate that the video has more than 30 views. Makes me questions mankind
ok so its confirmed, after shadowlands wre gonna go back in time, not to classic but to something different.
So some of the videos are good, but damn he is whiny and special sometimes.
HEYYYYYYYY Mawsworn me 🙂
The "YouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYou Cannot Bind ME!" should be made into a wrap lmao
Its the eyebrows for me
sooo you all got invited to the shitty beta and you chose to go around killing npc wow i hope blizzard doent think thats what we are all ganna do cause thats a negative
Tyrande beat her abductors when no one else was allowed. This is because blizz can only allow a female ‘poc’ to defeat a female ‘poc’. I called it as soon as she became ‘night warrior’. Get mad, but you know it’s true guys. Just watch.
Damn this xpac looks stupid. The end of BfA/start of shadowlands cinematics and now this garbage… it looks even worse than WoD.
is this PTS? or in per-patch?
this aged well lol
i'm gonna cringe if we defeat the jailer. i'm tired of saving shit, i hope he destroys us.