Shadowlands is a Top 3 Expansion… (Watch to end to find out why)

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32 thoughts on “Shadowlands is a Top 3 Expansion… (Watch to end to find out why)”

  1. Should be titled your favorite expansions not best expansions as pvp is fun but that wasn't the focus of the game. And TBC WOTLK are the greatest expansions content wise.

  2. Had to do raid and dungeons in 9.0 for legendaries and conduits. Then only dungeons till 9.2 for conduits and had to farm(or outright buy) gold and currencies in troghast till 9.2 either.

  3. Shadowlands is fun for sure( I only play one character in the beginning so i was cool with everything bad about Shadowlands). But let be honest SL is reslly good after 9.2.5 but ppl already hated the game (rightfully so).

  4. You did have to do raids in BFA too for the trinkets and weapons. You had to farm for you legendary cloak to be able to use corruption.

    Same in SL. You had to farm torghast before they changed it, you have to farm for the legendaries, you had to raid for the OP trinkets before we got the new pvp ones, you had to raid or do dungeons for the conduits before they changed it (see how many changes we got at the end of the expansion?), you had to do your dailies for your renown before we got the catch up. Like there were so many chores we had to do, even you complained about it before. How could anyone ever forget?

  5. can’t agreed no more, as a pvp player, my favourite expansion goes mop>sl>bfa, almost the same reason as xaryu mention. I hate BFA’s endless farm but I put this expansion on the third cuz I also play world pvp, which BFA did very great job

  6. I disagree, despite wods issues with lack of content, updates, tuning.. and ashran I feel like Wod still had more abilities than legion, bfa or sl… I usually refer to legion as "The Great Prunening". I know this is just my opinion but every spec that I play has felt worse from a class design perspective since legions release. even now several expansions after legion classes still don't feel as well designed as pre legion expansions. when rating which expansions are best, I wouldnt even include legion, bfa, shadowlands in the same list, its a completely different ball park.. sure I would list shadowlands at the top of those 3, but thats like crowning it the king of the litterbox of expansions.

  7. Easy alts? Did you just forget all the bullshit which came with lvling up renowns for new chars and then swapping covenants over and over and earning renowns.. the legendary system costing huge amounts of gold. This xpac was soo anti alts. Till the end of the xpac. All we got was band aid fixed like conquest boxes

  8. It's not really true that you don't have to do raids/dungeons or other PvE to PvP in SL. Some of the various class' BIS legendaries absolutely require doing PvE and you also had(they changed it to where you could use previously stored up resources) to do Torghast(which is fun, I'll admit) to get resources to be able to even craft legendaries. The PvP is also ridiculous scripted and the gear upgrade system is garbage.

  9. Shadowlands sucks. I quit MOP pretty early, so I'm not too sure how great that was but I still maintain a strong preference for the pvp of old (pre cata). Classes actually meant something other than the name of the ability you had to panic when you saw it on weakauras. Maybe the systems weren't the worst in Shadowlands, but the gameplay fucking sucked. Correcting atrocious mistakes doesn't automatically equate to a better or more enjoyable game. There was SO much that let the expansion down. Modern pvp in general lacks any flavour and classes are quite homogenous.

    I can't stress enough just how awful an experience Torghast was. I know it's your opinion in this video, I know, I get it. But for people who don't play wow as a means of income, it was just a waste of my life. It was awful. Mandatory. And awful. And alts? FORGET IT! It cannot be glossed over just how huge an impediment that was to enjoyment of the game. There were also blatantly broken points of the game where it did not feel like the game on certain classes was remotely playable. Thanks to dumb mechanics of hunters/rogues/moonkins etc. Yes, they got nerfed eventually, but they made it to live long enough to kill plenty of people's interest in the game.

    I'm sure the water finally found it's level in some respect, but you must surely realize how few people are swimming in the pool now.

  10. It’s your second favorite because your job is to like this game. If you didn’t, you really wouldn’t have any other content for people to watch. You’ll like any expansion Blizzard throws at you.

  11. Shadowlands had tons of grinds. Before they added alt friendly conquest chests, imagine u had to farm legendary powers, torghast, gold to buy pieces on ah, first honor for starter gear, then have some fun on arenas then again farm honor for upgrades. Besides that, just open the currency panel, there are so many stuff there. It was a grindfest. As for stat templates very little variety. You have to go 100% versa gear and a little bit of secondary stats here and there. Its almost as stat templated as legion, they just create an illusion that it is not.

  12. my favorite exp was MOP in both pvp/pve, the reason why(for pve) is simple you didn't have to farm CMs weekly just like you do now with M+s, It was way easier to find a 25ppl raid group in lfg and after getting cloak endless grind was gone.

    as for ***dragonflight you forgot to mention – no genders, btw is that a thing, ppl on the west couldn't live without?


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