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World of Warcraft 10.0 Dragonflight has been accidentally revealed as the next WoW expansion 10.0! And with Shadowlands now being officially over from a story point of view with the judgment of Sylvanas and the release of Christie Golden’s Sylvanas novel, it’s time to talk endings and new beginnings with our own judgment of Shadowlands as a whole and a look forward to Dragonflight
Wowhead Articles
World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Expansion Leaks on Blizzard Website:
What Does World of Warcraft: Sylvanas Have To Say About the Deal with Helya?
Blood Elf Special Questline Rewards in 9.2.5 – Blood Knight Set for Paladins, Emerald Hawkstrider Mount:
What’s Next for Anduin? Greymane and Anduin Shadowlands Epilogue Dialogue:
00:00 No Spoilers Nope
03:07 Redbot: New Expac Name & Art
08:07 No More Spoils
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Flight of Dragons reference, taking me back on that one
Pelagos as arbiter is probably the one that makes the least sense
The mythic raid is done my friend.
A terrible ending for the terrible story for Sylvanas. It is an April Fools Day leak for the new expansion. At least Sylvanas can search for Nathanos and rescue him.
send someone with longer legs .. – Rofl now that i think about it ,that poor owl not being able to fly in the maw is kinda hillarious .
I wish we could get a Epilogue where Sylvanas is in the maw collecting the souls ( btw i have expected Sylvanas to become the new Jailer as part of her pennance )
It would be helping alot if Sylvanas would bring me 20 souls a week:)
tyrande shoulders should be more muscular
Double meaning on that old god whisper perhsps?
We're still not going to talk about how Pelagos is a blue dragon name, are we?
flight of dragon was really a little depressing because it was about the end of magic and fantasy in the world the dragon was leaving the world, not unlike the end of the lord of the ring when elves left the world of man. might even be the end of wow what happens when all the horizons are crossed dungeon explored and the monster is slain?
Hans Gruber quote stated that “when Alexander (The Great) saw the breadth of his domain he wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer."
Ehh the ending was still Alliance pandering. Not shocked. Not pleased. It is just whatever. I enjoyed the loyalist dialog, and the book. That is about it. Glad it is still the Horde bad and Alliance good even when they commit genocide at will. It is BS as always. Anduin in the Maw with Sylvanas, bet. She also went to look for Nathanos. I guess we will see, but 0 satisfaction as a Horde player.
If by made of butter you mean delicious!
YES! YES Flight of Dragons! If there isn't a Gorbash somewhere in the new xpac I am going to be sad.
I hate sylvanas so much so tiered of her.
After 2 years of players saving souls there can't be that many left in the Maw. She'll be back in 11.0.
It couldn't be any worse than the last couple expansions, right?
Give here a daily soul ash quota – the entire universe will recoil in horror and clamor not to share her fate.
cocks gun
. . . . .
the dragons aspects lost their powers at the end of Cata. Unless this is an expansion about somehow restoring said powers and Alex and company just show up all aspecty and super powered again I'm gonna be … frustrated.
Let's be honest, Shadowlands drained all my anger already. Let's just grin and bear it
Isn’t chronomancer an arcane mage ??
Did Shadowlands fail? Well, it did make me quit WoW. Something WoD and BFA couldn't do. 🤷♂️
Omg when you said those all "real leaks" and you said playable tuskars, nostalgia wave hit me so much
Better question would be why Blizzard still feels entitled to be so secretive about their development process given they have none of the clout left that was able to justify it before.
Iron Docks winning shows the WoW Community can't be trusted.
Did you guys get a new camera?? It looks really good!!
Although Zovaal's death was disappointing (yet expected), I agree this was the ideal ending to Sylvanas' arc that has been controversial from the start of BfA was the ideal way to do it. Afrasiabi probably intended her to become an Arthas/Garrosh 2.0 whom we would just kill, which probably wasn't what the rest of the team wanted and would have upset the (more than BfA already had). When Shadowlands was announced and we caught the first glimpses of her motivations and discovered the problems with the afterlife, people feared Sylvanas and the Jailer would be the good guys all along. This idea was championed by the loyalists, and speculators like Accolonn and Pyromancer. Well, this cinematic neither killed her off, nor justified her actions, of which I'm very grateful.
Nice. The proof that the artwork is real is that Alexstraza is wearing more clothes. 🤣
Unimportant side issue: Would Pelagos even have had the right to judge Sylvanas? She's still basically 'alive'.
Sylvanas can get exalted with venari while she does her 20 soul weekly.
2 shite expansions in a row. perhaps they are going for a hatrick? zerith Mort-whatever is fun as an area. the story for the expansion was dumber than an 80s soap. so, I'm sure few people will miss it.
New expansion, they have a lot to do to save the game. Let's hope it's not dragon-Shite.
Im excited by this new WoW direction! Women, empowered women… wearing burkhas. And men naked. Yey!