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World of Warcraft Shadowlands Login Screen (ft. Bolvar’s Theme). A compilation of Shadowlands soundtracks intertwined with tributes of old login screens (TBC, WoTLK, Cata & Legion) and short tracks of character themes long dead. A mix of old and new.
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Of course I added the music in the background silly. I thought this was like a given by now!
Varian Wrynn’s Story & Sacrifice [Full Warcraft Lore]
Illidan Stormrage’s Story & Sacrifice [Full Warcraft Lore]
All WoW Raid Ending Cinematics [TBC – BFA]
Arthas vs. Illidan – Final Battle
#wow #shadowlands #login
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-Ricky Zulpel
-Thanasi Halim
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Soundtracks/Images Used: (Note- All Credit for music and/or images used belongs and goes to the artists/creators of this amazing music/art. No Copyright Infringement is intended).
A mix of Battle for Azeroth OST – from World of Warcraft & Warcraft 3 OST.
World of Warcraft & Warcraft 3: Reforged belongs to the mighty Blizzard Entertainment.
World of Warcraft®
©2004 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. World of Warcraft, Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
0:50 – 2:10 Nice part of soundtrack.
for a moment there i was worried they wouldn't have that recurring theme. love it
Edit: 10:26 hit me hard oh my god
Dude if only I could make this my phones ringtone
This game.. is a prison.. lol
New update: You will have to do Icecrown Citadel first then jump a gap, then do Icecrown Citadel again, but in reverse, in order to enter the Shadowlands.
"has been disconnected from the server"
11:27 ….. ahhhh gad damn….. the feels !!!
Die wissen wie man mit Geigen um geht ab 50 sek
Can you just include "Fanmade" in the title… you have so many people thinking this is official and linking this on other videos aswell. C'mon.
One of the best login screens and music maybe ??? 🤔🤔
Damnnnn I was hoping Bolvar would pop up on the left side like in the thumbnail. I was really hoping it’d be like that cause it reminds me of the login for Wrath (the best loading screen there’s been) where the dragon flies up and roars. Idk why but that made the game feel so cool.
The loading screen looks super cool. Maybe I will spend more time in the loading screen than anywhere else 😀
So beautiful
0:51 Sylvannas' scream?
I think that is gonna be pretty accurate
The new login should’ve already been on beta or pre patch ptr. I don’t know why it’s taking them so long
Get use to seeing this screen, come launch day it will be very familiar as we all attempt to login over and over. The wonderful theme will make it less painful however.
7:05 absolutely breathtaking
12:40 King of all WOW soundtracks !
Glenn, this is very “end of all things” esque, I really hope my musical intuitions are wrong.
Also there are some part with what sound like orchestral samples, I really hope letting go of Russell Brower as a “sound decentralization initiative” isn’t just codeword for budget cuts in the music department, WoWs music has always been exceptional because Blizzard has great composers and uses real orchestra.
It's fanmade? Or in beta now?
Proelium Facio
Gradior Quo
In Excelsis
Desideratus Fatum
Desideratus Bellum
5:30… nice call-back to the bombing run on the Isle of Quel'Danas. hahahaha dunno if it /really/ fits, but I'll take it. Nostalgia!
2:47 ahead is just sublime!! Impressive work pal!
2:53 song name please?
It's beta or Ptr? good video))
Is this the official menu theme? Pretty good (and very different) if so. Well it's pretty good either way, but still, just wondering.
Shadowlands Login Screen is good and the music
tbh this is so goood
I feel like I'm in Azeroth at the begining. Then at 0:52 the banshee starts to scream, the world is now fractured and I'm in going to the sadowlands, discovering its majesty. And at 10:23 I came back from it.
Listening this with the eyes closed is so relaxing 😮
You did a really good job here, Thanks !
How do I make this my screen saver?!
How the fuck did you make this login screen? It looks better than the official one. <3
Damn, nice leak or whatever, as they've just revealed the login screen and theme. The screen is relatively close to this, but the music is the same. Nice.
Where can I download the music?
Wow this login screen looks better than the real one lol must be because it's so shiny.
i wish this was the official login screen, its waaaaaay better than the new one
This music and login screen are better than the official ! 😮
I hope the transition around 0:50 is edited a lil better on release, other than that its one of the best login tracks yet
12:05 to the end : "Thaurissan's Reach + The Shattering" – Best Warcraft soundtrack ever !
I have searched all over the place, but I simply cannot find the OST you used from the beginning and until around 0:18.
It then returns again from around 9:15 – 9:35.
It sounds so ethereal. Peaceful and at the same time all-ending.
Would really appreciate it if you could name the track you used! 🙂
For the real King. Arthas
No my son, the raid resets next week
Can`t wait for patch 10.0
why this cant be original 🙁