Shadowlands M+ Tank Rankings | BEST and WORST Tank Rankings (October Tierlist)

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My Tank Rankings for Shadowlands M+ based on the October beta updates. Note that this is still the beta, so these rankings can shift! Remember to like and subscribe so you can see when I post new WoW content.

The State of Guardian Druids:
Healer Rankings:
DPS Rankings:

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0:00 Introduction
2:08 Blood DKs
3:41 Prot Warriors
5:50 Brewmaster Monks
9:06 Guardian Druids
11:11 Prot Paladins
13:50 Vengeance DHs


9 thoughts on “Shadowlands M+ Tank Rankings | BEST and WORST Tank Rankings (October Tierlist)”

  1. I do like that there are quite a few of these tank listing vids about. By watching them all and getting info from elsewhere, it's pretty easy to make a decent decision about how things are shaping up. One thing I have noticed is this subtle return to threat being a thing again. Probably intended as they removed Skittish.

  2. Ok so I have done ksm several times over with a few different tanks and I do raid but fairly casually ( jump in on guild runs once they have aotc and can fit me)

    My question is what tank do you think best suits a player who mostly does +10 – +15 keys and does a bit of raid tanking

    My short list thus far is bear bdk and prot pally (my 3 main tanks in BFA)

  3. Awesome video! I’m a new player to wow and looking to main tank. Is there a specific class that is more suited to beginners? Did the level 20 trial but was hard to get a feel for what it means to be a tank.

  4. Hey . nice vid . i was wondering can you tell me what type of damages u take the most in shadowlands dungs ?
    i mean it's pointless to have antimagic zone if +90% of dung don't even have magical damage to use it right ?
    i think for ranking tanks it's really good to know how dungs works . for example how much Mass grip is really use full . is there any special place to use it to make a real difference ? and things like that .

  5. A question about the BDK. so he does have a cheat death option like the Pally, and about the 1 shot, when you open you have 2 defensives on usually, a 20% dmg reduction and 40% parry chance. Considering this, is it still a B Class? I am working on picking a tank for SL and bdk seems like a decent option for be. I just wanted a different opinion. Also, the video was great, congrats! #subscribed

  6. I haven't given the new variant of Vengeance a try yet, I'm afraid to. I loved the Legion / BfA style of tanking, even if it did need some tuning. Maybe I'll like this version better? Would be nice to be A tier DPS in raids and S tier in M+… As opposed to D tier and D tier on my Druid (Feral) 😛


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