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Shadowlands 9.1.5 Mage tower enhancement Shaman DPS mage tower challenge Legion timewalking patch 9.1.5 enh sham WoW mage tower 9.1.5 patch guide 😏
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Edit: baboowa
Enhancement Shaman WoW PvP Mage Tower Shaman Enh sham WoW Shadowlands legion mage tower shaman 9.1.5 mage tower; 9.1 tower; patch 9.1.5 mage tower; patch 9.1 mage tower enhancement sham funny hehe
#Shadowlands #WoW #eSports
It's hard to try something you get one shot in
Extreme anxiety watching this. Fuck mage tower.
It was so sad doing it as retripala with trash mobility when runes and valkyrie shows up same time (well atleast i can bubble and ignore mechanics for 8sec i guess)
I did this one for my Assassination Weapon. Pretty Tough without Legendaries in Legion
Took me almost to the end of legion to get dk mage skins, but I oneshotted the fury warrior skin
Idk how long these fights are but there’s an “enrage” at like 5 minutes. Where it’s just hellllllla mechanics which is looking to what you’re getting
Fact we can’t use legion legendaries while doing this is what makes this not even on my list of things to do
I needed 35+ trys in legion to get the artifact weponskin xD
FYI, no Godqueen's fury is the only one not nerfed because, quote the elitist chuds "it's extremely easy".
Didn't know you're a quiter
13, lol. my friend im on like 213 for the guardian one. My rage levels are off the charts.
i'm having flashbacks to prot warr and holy priest
so glad i did all these during legion
best mage tower ever
Retail seems so enjoyable to play
nice try:)
So how does this pair up to the old MT easier or harder, Iv heard both depending on the Class/Spec…
What's crazy, is I 1 shot this on my enhance in legion. No consumables, no lust. Went in just to get a feel for it on my sham after completing it on ret. It was going so well, I decided to see if I could clear it without lust, and I did. I won't even embarrass myself by admitting how many wipes I have this time around.
I broke my headset and keyboard in legion on mage tower with my druid tank damn good memories
woooow you stop fast ppl have over 80 trys xD dont be like that claak just… do it xD