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Here’s the list of the currently stronger combinations of Legendaries+Covenants for each Melee DPS for PvE situations, both Single Target or AOE, Raids or Mythic+, as well as which of the Legendaries could push you towards a certain Covenant because of their synergies.
0:00 Contractual Obligation
3:04 Contractual Obligation pt.2
5:04 Rogue
9:12 Warrior
13:01 Retribution Paladin
14:25 Death Knight
18:25 Enhancement Shaman
20:35 Havoc Demon Hunter
22:15 Windwalker Monk
24:20 Outro
good man keep em coming
best wow youtuber ever, i love you are so strong video men!
Comment streak #10 – comment and like thats my way to support Best ytuber there!
Undead Night Fae rogue? Christ on a bike.
Where is SURVIVAL HUNTER? (nevermind, i just ran into it…..OMG you crack me up)
survival hunter : :') it's okay
When you just check if Izen has a new video out rather than waiting for the notification, score!! 😀
What is the addon that shows the dmg numbers with icon on left and right?
Grats on 10k teacher
Lol survival and lol feral 😡 I love you so much Izen but I skipped passed those xD
will you do ranged?
you mention that necro shaman is unviable, but you should also mention that the difference between the best and the worst covenant for shamn is a whole 2%, soooo
Everything is in such flux right now. Now Venthyr is simming slightly higher than NF for ST, but is still much worse for dslice. At this point, I'm praying that I can find a reason to not be NF lol
sv – covenants for sv is wrong – fae is actually good. depends a bit on wfi or bop. legendaries are wrong too and it depends on build (wfi vs bop again) trapper boots for example really op for bop – not so good for wfi. lpi / ryllak very good options for wfi and ahead of tar/flare leg. cluster best aoe and not far behind in st.
real dk's be goin necrolord
Pelagos has been nerfed I think.
I want to play ret, do you think this spec is fine despite the nerfs ?
Arms please be Venthyr
Arms please be Venthyr
Arms please be Venthyr
nerfing everything into irrelevancy is the only way to make this shit system not create an expansion long headache for blizzard. only that way they can stick to 'choose the covenant whose transmog you like'
As someone who wanted to main Enhancement shaman in SL and play Night Fae or Necrolord I'm really really dissapointed. But do you think the passives from the soulbind tree can make up for the covenant ability like the Lead By Example Emeni Necrolord ability?
F for Pelagos.