Shadowlands Melee DPS PVP Tier List (BETA CONCLUSION)

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Shadowlands Melee DPS PVP Tier List (BETA CONCLUSION)


29 thoughts on “Shadowlands Melee DPS PVP Tier List (BETA CONCLUSION)”

  1. is warrior/ww a thing? I want to play with a monk friend but idk if DK is the best choice as it usually is, considering warriors are ridiculous atm and most of the skills DK used to have that complemented monk are kinda gone (strangulate for instance). I love playing warr and is one of my priorities for this exp so if it's more meta I'd swap out without thinking twice.

  2. It will be interesting meta. But I think S1 Belongs to Green orc called Zug Zug holding a 2 hander 🙂
    Melle Cleaves should be dominating S1. I also see Mm hunter / Ret / Disc being absurd. I wont be surpised to see Cheesy comps like duble sub or duble DH. One DH keeps MS on the melle cleave other stick to the healer keeping ms on him and then all of a sudden duble hunt on something for proprer one shot lol….
    I also wonder how would DH/Frost Dk do against melle cleaves now that DH have MS on 2 targets + Hunt, I also am not sure if fel barage does good damage in pvp or not. It used to in legion.

  3. as an arms warrior i hate when they are OP because i feel like it makes it seem like im a flavor of the month player but i have been playing it for years and years i promise

  4. As someone who mains shadow, I am terrified of the arms warrior meta, even though Shadow is in a good spot as well. Arms can really shut down a lot of what my priest tries to do.

  5. I'm a simple man. Supa makes tier liest, I like! That being said, Supa, would you please make a 2v2 pvp tier list that includes healers? I remember you made one for double dps but what about one with a healer? Thank you and keep up the great job.

  6. OK blizzard if you are listening…want to balance classes and stay this way for a while??(i will expand on what this dude says in this video….and other pro players like Savix etc say in their videos about the classes)
    1.Nerf ret pali dmg and give it a bit of mobility(lacks mobility as all players that main this class mention..)
    2. DH is not an A DH is a C category….needs to be buffed to A(Has no dmg to sustain itself=trashed+ survivability is low)
    3. Buff Fury warrior(damage) to A category
    4.Buff B category classes to A category
    There you go!! all the classes pretty much the same….you do have some classes excel others…but not so much!! and theres a variety of classes to choose from S category!!
    THE END!

  7. good times, almost always enjoy playing melee over casters, very nice to see a rise in power in hybrid, but it's almost always like this at the beginning of expansions for hybrid melee classes, then blizzard guts their healing, when melee heal too much the immobile casters complain too much

  8. Way off on survival, it cant even be on a chart because it wont be played at a high level. The summon pet increase kills the class as it does with all warlocks, the pet will get instantly dumpstered and never allowed to be resummoned and if it does it was at a great cost of time and cc cooldowns. BM/Surv/Demo are dead pvp specs until they revert these changes


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