Shadowlands MOST OP Balance Druid 3v3 Composition

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Shadowlands MOST OP Balance Druid 3v3 Composition


27 thoughts on “Shadowlands MOST OP Balance Druid 3v3 Composition”

  1. maybe after these new buffs game might be better but i doubt it. sad 13 years played an frankly its the worst state its been bfa was better an at leeast i could deal with overpowereed classes from corruption. But SL is so overtuned for melees cept rogue who got the shaft. curious why no buffs to heals who are lacking. weird actually guess its time to go prot in 3s

  2. Look…. I know the parse from the Solstice talent makes your dmg look nice, but we both know its not moving healthbars…which is why you should go pro-mode and use the New Moon talent. (a) stellar drift makes using New Moon more likely (with stellar drift, after convoke, you can cast the Moon cycle while moving, because starfall always procs during convoke) (b) Full Moon feels like hitting the target with a g-pie, (c) without New Moon, your ability to burst is truly limited to convoke; WITH New Moon, you have a burst window every 45 secs (keep in mind if you cast the full cycle = full astral power = Full Moon followed by 3 starsurges = 75%+ of their healthbar, dead without heals.), (d) there is nothing like watching a Full Moon hit for 8k normal, 20k+ crit…genuinely as fun as watching a g-pie hit and (e) You will lose overall dmg, but your ability to burst and kill stuff increases dramatically.

  3. Hey Supa, could you answer me this one question. I'm not an inexperienced druid, I've been 2400 several seasons, but for some reason my Convokes rarely pose a threat what so ever to people, even in 1v1 situations. I'll make sure they are in combat, not in roots, and I'm outside of melee range, and 90% of the time, all I see are a few wraths and a ton of healing spells. I understand it's mostly rng but outside of the full moon change it feels useless now. Am I still doing something wrong?


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