Shadowlands Mythic Plus Weekly Update: Massive Dungeon Tuning!

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Weekly updated 12/22/20
Spiteful, Grievous, Fortified, Prideful
Dungeon Updates


WoWhead: Shadowlands Hotfixes for December 21st


12 thoughts on “Shadowlands Mythic Plus Weekly Update: Massive Dungeon Tuning!”

  1. Hey man do you only play Guardian Druid? You seem to specialize in Guardian Druid so here’s my question:

    Can you make dungeon / raid guides specific for Guardian. I’m a above and beyond type of player. I like knowing things like specific interrupts / soothe / weaving intervals / skips etc.

    Because I play multiple tanks, I’m having a hard time figuring these little things out by myself since my attention is divided.

    Thanks a ton in advance and Merry Christmas my fellow meat shield 💪🏼


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