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World of Warcraft Shadowlands has been out for MONTHS at this point and we just learnt that Patch 9.1 will release on the WoW Shadowlands PTR in 2 weeks but when will Shadowlands 9.1 actively launch??
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This is why you can’t be elitist. I follow you because of the amazing lore content. But as casual players, time isn’t something we have. The anima system is an issue. Time spent is an issue. I unsubscribed about 2 weeks ago because of time.
They should make wow community maps … Like, there could be a portal that transports you to new world, and those worlds could be made by whoever wants to make em. xD Idk
The raid has the Sylvanas encounter. They better get it right.
It's not problematic at all. I'm back to TBC, and I'm happy with it 🙂
who care for 9.1, I, fucking, have accolonn for lore update 😉
I am a Hobo. no homo
I'm going to go against the grain and say I LIKED bfa.. I don't get all the complaining. Each faction had unique zones to level in. We had islands which are fun. SIX!?! allied races. Yeah grinding azerite wasn't fun but there's nothing fun about SL. Also I liked talanji as a character. I've yet to meet a new character in SL that I care about… Also old soldier… Enough said.
people are becoming karens.
let them take the time they fucking wants.
siege lasted 1 year.
I wonder if classic would come out today if they would rework talents tree to appease everything that not a druid.
Probably not .
Just play the meta , its the meta era.
anything they would tweek or change would be Meta'ed.
there is no turning back .
Just let people CHOSE the abilities that covenants offer you at the start of your leveling with the soulbind thats meta for your class .
and find a way to explain it in the lore.
I dont believe they can balance 12 soulbinds with classes that have all differents abilities from them.(they never did in the past xpacks)
Best example is arms/fury warrior doing -2k dps without condemn. If you didn't chose venthir and upgraded some things you are fucked.
-Ask a gm about this and he told me that you cant transfer anima because everyone would exploit their way to get mounts mog and items to spawn rares. That they want people to farm each covenant with 1 char if you want to offspecs.
That how they do content for SL.
Plus some mounts drop only for certain covenants.
That a lot of shit to do.
But for the Casual plebians ThErEiSnOtHiNgToDo.
im still fucking farming mechagon ffs…
Now wait for anima boost just like they boost every currency in any past xpacks just like we did in all past expentions. Pepehands
Optimistically i say end of July at best, mid august with better state.
The amount of people saying they are done are the same people that claim they will quit drinking every week. We all know they are mostly full of shit LUL
75 is days between Legion Patches. Looking at over 200 days for SL. I get covid has slowed things down, but 3 times as much?
They're not behind enough to spend 200 million on additional help instead of giving it to their evil incarnate chubby piece of breathing garbage CEO. They're forcing people to either spend 20 bucks on one month or buy 2 months at a time to retain players so they can show their shareholders that they're not washed up at the next earnings call. This patch is going to be crunched and rushed and it's going to be uninspired and probably a huge mess. That's my prediction. They're making it harder to love this game enough to play it more than a few months after launch every xpac.
You know I don't have any compassion for this company. I do the workers but not the company. Bobby's 200 mil could hire how many workers? You know they could work in the same damn building killing the covid excuse just by putting up cheap plexiglass… That's what schools do and the government is fine with it. I work at a school I know…. No excuse for blizzard.
Torghast: I like Torghast with a group, but not as a solo event.
I let my sub expire the other week, and I'm not sure if I'll be coming back for 9.1.
The complete lack of communication (& no, Covid is NOT a valid excuse), and the unwillingness from Blizz to provide even a simple update about wtf is going on this xpac, has been unacceptable. There shouldn't have been a nearly 2 month communication blackout between when 9.1 being announced, & us finding out when the PTR would be up. That, and the fact it's going to be at least half a year before we get the FIRST content patch of this xpac. We got a bare-bones explanation about what 9.1 is going to be about, and absolutely nothing whatsoever about a 9.2. That just proves they are so far beyond at this point, it could even be 2022 before we see 9.2… All of this just makes me not give a fuck anymore…
I've been playing WoW since 2006, and have tried very hard to stand by it, but Shadowlands was going to be the LAST chance I was going to give Blizzard. It became clear back during BlizzConline that Blizzard has fucked the pooch again, and is just repeating all the same mistakes they made in BFA, despite claiming that they "learned a lot".
I just don't know what to think anymore. I feel like when Ghostcrawler left Blizzard, it was a sign of the direction Blizzard was heading in terms of how players factored into their designs. Regardless of whether or not I agreed with his views and decisions (many I hated) , the way in which he interacted with the player community directly on a regular basis on forums and such I think promoted a healthier mindset within the Blizzard development process. He left in late 2013.. shortly after the siege of orgrimmar release. I only just realized that date for me is the dividing line between old WoW and new WoW (systemscraft) for me.
August: they need to get it right. After BFA debacle, the delays due to covid, they cannot misrepresent the lore-loaded next raid. I am very happy to wait: it's an MMO, there is plenty of content to catch up on. YouTubers who depend on "new content" or on destroying the game that is their bread and butter are simply lacking in creativity. This channel is a perfect example of pure creativity by tackling the lore in a new and interactive way: lore speculations. It's fun, it's upbeat, it's vibrant and certainly not short on ideas. They can find their own niche.
I'm gonna keep it all the way real. I would rather have a relatively polished and functional 9.1 in August than a broken, buggy 9.1 in June.
I personally feel like I get more work done from home but I understand it causes difficulties esp for a game like wow. Also I see myself getting full 226/220 then stopping I enjoy mythic+ but won’t do it for no reward esp as you get one chance at an item a week with mostly rng (doing more than 4 a week isn’t possible or fun for me) it can also be pretty toxic as well
if this is the best Blizzard can do, then WoW is already dead. This is completely unacceptable. and you can miss me with those bullshit excuses that CoViD blah blah blah.
What the fuck is happening at Blizzard?!?!
I'll say this much. They better get off their ass, get it on the ptr, and get it out at the end of June or at the very least 1st couple weeks of July cause the more people have to sit of their hands, the more likely they will find something else to do instead of dragging their character around Azeroth with nothing new to do. They could release it in sections, Korthia, the quests and the story, June/July, the mega-dungeon in Aug, then the raid in Sept. That could work and it could relieve some of the frustration in waiting so long.
I think blizzard is just setting up to wrap up SL so they can focus on the next expansion. I feel like 9.2.5 will be where they will end it. I mean, we’re gonna raid in the maw and face Sylvanas already. Like I said, I feel they’re just focusing on wrapping up the story so we can move on. I mean the Anduin thing was kinda rushed, raiding in the maw, it just makes sense. To me at least
I quit wow, but I did not quit Acco! Been here from almost the start, will stay here till the end
I had to quit wow because i no longer have money for subscription.
I would rather wait till august and them do it right than getting 9.1 early and it still having massive problems and lacking in content.
If they are taking so long to bring out each major patch then then blizzard is going to need to condense a lot of the story content into the last patch and probably cut out a lot of potential content that we have been wanting to see.
I find it hard to believe they are going to be able to explore the story of Zorval, Primus, Arbiter, Sylvanas, Anduin, brokers, Winter Queen, Archon, Denathrius, The Lich King’s, and us maw walkers and then leading it all into the next expansion within the time frame of the current expansion.
Wait, what is your twitter? I searched accolonn and didn't find you