Shadowlands Patch 9.2 Tank Legendary Preview

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Shadowlands Patch 9.2 was previewed last week, and with that announcement came the revelation that we will finally be able to equip two Legendaries at once!

There is an important restriction (at least for now), one of the Legendaries has to be a Covenant-specific Legendary. Combined with the ability to freely swap Covenant as of Patch 9.1.5, this means there are effectively 4 unique builds for each class.

Llarold is here with the complete breakdown of all 24 Covenant Legendary setups for tanks in Patch 9.2, with a focus on what’s going to be good in raids and Mythic+. So check it out and get hyped with us for the next big patch of Shadowlands!

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0:00 Intro
3:07 Death Knight
10:13 Demon Hunter
16:23 Druid
24:46 Monk
32:18 Paladin
37:10 Warrior
42:48 Outro

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4 thoughts on “Shadowlands Patch 9.2 Tank Legendary Preview”

  1. And here I was hoping night fae would be a lot better for brew. Oh well. Kyrian is what I've been used to. I really like messing with that fae stomp when I can though.

    Great info as usual man, really appreciate the work you put in. Even if I just skip to the brewmaster parts.


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