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To help you prepare for the upcoming Shadowlands pre-expansion patch and plan your adventures from now until Shadowlands arrives, we’ve compiled a variety of helpful information.
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You failed miserably at that whole preserving relative power idea.
15 years of playing WoW
Sorry we are deleting your character and all your progress, we are also deleting the world of warcraft and giving you an expansion instead. Thanks for the 14$ a month for the 15 years.
546 mints to log…… Nice job boys
GG you launched the pre-patch and your servers got full and broke right away. Pathetic.
1:38 character customisation options.
Me, straight posture darkspear trolls please?
I remember a time when you go in to an expansion and just get made better now every expansion they just seem to make you worse and worse. After the ilvl squish is BFA it took me a long time to play BFA then that wasn't very good. Now wow is dead to me with this lvl squish. Very dissatisfied. Prolly won't be playing wow again tho.
I don't like the fact that 120 will be no more & that we'll be dumbed down to lvl 50 or 60….why would you do that? We've worked so hard to become level 120. It's almost a deal breaker in continuing to play.
dead game
When does this drop
Barber: cuts wrong hair
So no old pvp vendor…
Who needs hormone therapy when you got a barber?
Everyone is going to be level 60?
Sorry, I’m no WoW player but I do love the lore!
No wonder my friend was so hyped for this, he said it’s like WoW 2.0.
oh… warmode still in the game… pft.
Sounds like great QoL changes, gonna have a look at these when I return.
Blizz might have just called ‘going to your barber in 2100’ = gender change
Im so disappointed over just one thing in this new pre patch and expansion that the humans didn't get the night elf sobra hair cut for females thats the only thing missing from making a good viking transmog for female human

hope we get it later tho in a new update
More bars please!!!!
Kicking the old nostelgia bucket i see.
MMORPG === "Many Men Online Role Playing as Girls"
I was really looking forward to making a new allied race character but they are all locked, makes no sense at all if you are trying to get a new player base, will not be playing until release of allied races, classic ftw
Yay… facing off against the scourge… again
Oh yes, after trashing artifacts weapons as well as azerite equipment, trashing class skills and weakening item level add a new expansions that causes their level to go backward.
All beautiful but when will you raise the mythical ones? you have ruined a game by turning it into Diablo. Bring the PVE back to the times of TLoA, where it was necessary to do normal instances then move on to heroes and finally to raids. Now stop doing mythics and you arrive at the raids that you are too strong.
Nice I am really thinking of coming back to WoW in December.
Prepatch, summed up on 4 minutes, after a long slow intro. Ya gona assume this won't help anyone.
sooooo, still waiting for those night elf paladins, we got cow paladins come on
Step 1: Delete your Demon Hunter… (delete the game..?)
You may have spent thousands and thousands of hours over the last two expansions getting your Demon Hunter main as strong as possible when suddenly, because PvP players were getting their butts kicked on Twitch by Demon Hunters, and Blizzard wants to cater to Professional Gamers, it does not matter–the Demon Hunter will now die if a Rare sneezes on it. Used to be able to kill a Rare on your own? Not any more–your DH will DIE! Horrific Vision? MAYBE one mask if you bring a lot of health potion.
What a way to spend a COVID-19 lockdown–with your main toon utterly gutted!
Still a grind fest.
Need exalted just to play a class. No thank you.
The only problem with this is Josh Allen's voice.
congratulation to people who farmed for so long for an item that they removed its effects LOL
It's nice that you can show us what the game looks like. It would be better if you could log in. Anyway cancel my account today.
its like a different game each patch
yeah but where is it
Finally new UI
I don't like how you remove content like this… This is so stupid and not what I paid for. (3:04)
Waiting for Captain Grim's video about Shadowlands Crash.
worst prepatch ever..
what was the first mount going away? looked like some sort of lamprey
Liberate Hong Kong. Never forget tiannenman square 1989
All of these changes look amazing. Gj Blizzard <3