Shadowlands Pre Patch Scourge Event Guide

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Here is a quick guide for the event. I wanted to experience it for a few days first b4 making a video so i could give u all the details that typically get discovered many days after doing the event. Hope you enjoy . There’s been no plagues yet but i imagine we will see that next week.

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2 thoughts on “Shadowlands Pre Patch Scourge Event Guide”

  1. Fastest way to get commendations is the daily quests and the quests can give you some and those are currency to get a better gear for a lvl 50 alts if dont have mythic tier gears

  2. Anyone else having issues with WOW loading? The game opens but I don't get a Play button. Any Idea's what I need to do? I've downloaded the game again and still no play button. Who can I contact? Thanks for the Help if you can.


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