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Three (maybe four) raid-quality pieces per hour seems to be about the max.
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Heck yeah. 20 second squad hype!
worst pre-expansion evar!
the transmog items are identical to the the pvp gear. 20 bosses and the loot from them is listed on HandyNotes: Scourge Invasion of Shadowlands. 6 hours for a full cycle of AFK'ing. The Broom isn't even a toy. and pretty sure the Geist pet is identical to one obtainable in ICC. What a sham!
Also, no, the pet isn't going to be worth anything. Look up Felbat Pup or Iron Starlette on TUJ for something comparable.
rarescanner is working really well with these shows which one is next and times for them
hello! thank you
That last spot you are talking about is where one of the daily quests take place. You're supposed to kill the undead next to the mushrooms so by pulling everything to the middle you're screwing over people trying to do their dailies.
RareScanner is an excellent add-on for this
just have fun.
Green Northrend items are often posted for really low prices, however the ones dropping from the event are vendoring for 30+ gold. I picked up 3 this morning for 3g each on AH.
Most people are probably posting by ignoring variations. I have disabled all my Northrend items for now just in case.
My quick and messy search string, but it still seems to show the lower ilevel ones.
At the Posi from Lanathel u can use the Hyperspawn ^^
Handy Notes of course has a supplement for this
Suggest you check out the cave at Ymirheim.
I got a 115 staff off Nathanos Blightcaller
battered hilt & some white drop 500k item have been dropping
I think I’m phased out. Do I have to pickup chromie time as a level 50? Someone help lol
Honestly this doesn't even really feel worth it at all you could just as easily maybe even more easily go and spam mythics and get better loot
i really like your elvui setup
is there a way to get that profile
DADDY GOT HIS BIG SACK! Only took me two tries! Bag space might only be up 2 slots, but heavy sack beatings are up a shocking 900%!
dont forget bonfire buff for 25% extra dmg
Fair warning on you last farm, one of the shadowland pre-patch daily (rotation) quest is at that same place and ask to kill the moobs near the shroom to make them grown before looting them, so if you farm the place while the daily quest is active, don't be surprise to get mobed of any mobs/loot by the questers, they will unite against goldmakers spoilers.
Your char looks so cute and dorky xd
Didn’t include the mine (middle of the map where Skadi spawns) which seems to be far better than all these…
Hmm, at times I felt like Sam Kinison "Say it! Just say it!". Get to the point.
Noticed you're using bdUI, do you know of a way to get Item Level on the bag slots? I appreciate the color bars in the icons but would love ilvl
This is the most braindead shit I've seen in WoW for a long time.
i farm al lot of the stones in the morning like 05:00 am. realm server there are a lot of Rares up from the prior hours in the night and you can enter pre made groups to kill them, you can also kill all of one group and unite to another realm phase group an there are other Rares up also, you can even kill the same Rares you kill changing pre made groups and seeing the rares that are up again in that realms
I am here because I watched the Chris Metzen video. WTBGold you are a LEGEND sir. Welcome champion!
Rarescanner seems to work great. Even has a timer.
I look like a champ being able to tell people when and where the rare are gonna pop.
I use handy notes It’s very good.
Great video as always! Have already geared up 2 alts and working on the last one. But one question: the rares drop items too, and the transmog of the items. Is it limited from only this event? Or is it some old items that you can get other ways? (Like wotlk raids or dungeons or something).
Pretty much every area that is linked with the NEW Dailies is good for Farming, except the Shadow Vault…lol…
Remember the pocket fel spreaders 😀 harder to get and selling for huge money now. Wish there was something like this.
How did he get his achievements, talent books..etc selection bar at the bottom right in ELVui?