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WoW Shadowlands has brought us a new level squish, and leveling new characters is easier than ever! We have decided to level every class in under 5 hours and find the easiest, fastest and most fun character to play.
Hunter Leveling:
Shaman Leveling:
If you are new and you want some more guidance please visit the Chromie Time guide to make your life easier :
Also make sure to follow me on Twitch:
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0:00 Important Stuff!
1:01 Priest was born!
7:17 Level 10!
11:05 Talents!
17:28 Level 25!
19:19 Gorgrond + Horde
23:14 Level 40!
33:23 Nearly 50!
35:33 Important Stuff!
New to the channel. So far loving the vids, getting me pumped to start a SPriest as ive never played one. What addons are you using to get that clean UI look?
Very nice vid. I'm returning from a long hiatus from the game and I want to start fresh with a level 1, and I've never done Priest before so I'm excited to try the new streamlined leveling experience. What are your addons that you use? Every time I come back to play I have to re-learn all of the UI modding stuff all over again 😅
Leveling up the Priest was extremely fun, Im also excited to gear up this Toon. Have you guys tried it yet? Make sure to check out the Hunter leveling :
This is my first character since WotLK I think. Pretty stoked to get back to into it.
if i use autopilot addon, you think it's gonna work?
Well made walkthrough!!! Keep it up 🙂
um new player…. where is chromie or how ever her name is spelled?
Great video. I really like your setup. What Add one are you using for the UI setup? I like ElvUI…but it removes the original hot key bar (shown in the bottom right of you screen).
What’s your addons ?
So I’m going to level a priest when I get home from work
Can i still achieve these kinds of times?
For those that want an addon that tells you where to go to grab and complete each step, complete with a TomTom arrow to literally point the way….go get 'wow pro' they have guides you load ingame for every zone, achievement hunting, etc (even stuff like getting all halloween candy buckets achievement during Hallows Eve). Updated for shadowlands.
What are the addons that you are using? specificially the UI Mod? Looks clean
thats insane man good effort!
Yea I prefer exiles. It's really good for new players, plus faster for alts. Looks nice too
phh retail
How did he have armor on exiles path?