Shadowlands Prot Warrior Class Guide | Pre-Patch 9.0.1

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This video guide goes in-depth explaining the prot warrior in its current state in the pre-patch to the Shadowlands expansion. We cover things like the new and existing prot warrior abilities, stat priorities, viable talent builds, azerite and essences, and finally the rotation.

Time Stamps:
Spellbook explanation 00:34
Stat priorities 12:14
Talent builds 14:04
Azerite + Essences 23:58
Rotation/Spell Priority 25:01

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25 thoughts on “Shadowlands Prot Warrior Class Guide | Pre-Patch 9.0.1”

  1. Nice video!
    But if you want high shield block uptime:
    High Haste + Devastor + Heavy Repercussions = 90%+ Shield Block Uptime

    And the part with Devastator/Devastate + Dragon Roar, I don't understand.
    Dragon Roar generates 20 rage and Shield Slam only 15.
    So there is no GCD wasted when dragon roar is used over Devastate to reset Shield Slam cooldown.

    And Indomitable is trash.
    For example with 30k HP and 40 rage spend it heals for 1,2k
    When you get hammered with damage, how is this even good?
    With Avatar (and 3x bastion might :<) + Never Surrender, I can get 20k+ absorbs?
    You know, when your group failed to interrupt/stun the important casts and you lose like 50%+ of your hp…

  2. Brand new to this game. Picked prot warrior for my first character. This vid has helped immensely.

    However out of 2 dungeons I’ve done I’ve been yelled at and kicked out of one of them and I still don’t know why lol. Just didn’t know the mechanics even tho it was a “beginners” dungeon I guess. If the community is that toxic on the whole to new players in dungeons I don’t think I’ll do more than just questing thru the all the expansions and maybe try pvp later on.

  3. With the Thunderlord nerf, have you considered The Wall legendary? I'm already considering an alternate build, although it was already hobbled somewhat by the conduit nerf for shield wall (cd reduction cut in half).

  4. Do you prefer orks or tauren for prot warrior on horde? Im new to the game but I'm figuring it out and I wanted to know if the 5% increased hp and stomp would be more viable than the blood fury and hardiness of orcs. Also don't orcs have axe proficiency, I'm not sure if tauren do as well but I'm kinda hung up on which race I want to choose for this


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