Shadowlands PvE Holy Paladin Mythic Plaguefall

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In this video I comment on a Mythic Plaguefall dungeon from the perspective of Holy Paladin, utilizing Beacon of Virtue/Rule of Law with Inflorescence of the Sunwell. This discussion is paired with comments on the value of different toolsets for Raid comps as we all eagerly await the release of Castle Nathria in the coming reset.



18 thoughts on “Shadowlands PvE Holy Paladin Mythic Plaguefall”

  1. Played countless hours testing Glimmer and Virtue. I am not entirely sure that Glimmer is going to be a go-to even when we get high-end gear. The reason being that Shadowlands is exceptionally unfriendly towards melee classes. A lot of bosses and trash mobs have melee range AoE. Being able to stay away and mass heal feels much comfortable.

    Additionally, I don't understand why Blizzard thought that it was a great idea to bring Azerite traits as talents. "Hey guys, we know you used Azerite for two years, but we think you should be ok to use it for another two". No one asked…

    In general, Glimmer seems okay for PVP, not sure about PvE especially with new aoe damage affix the healing output entirely not there, especially when you are out of shocks or can't hit anything. Also, I am not entirely sure how to heal in PvP now since we don't have fast casts anymore feels too slow in a quick passing PVP environment. I guess haste is a new go-to stat.

    So I agree, Virtue is the play at the moment and paladin feels better that way, rather than being a less efficient discipline paladin.

  2. In this dungeon in my experience pugs in heroic and M0 lose their health quicker than here in your sped up video, so you seem to be in a good team. The first two sets of mushroom mobs in this dungeon almost kill everyone in the group when I run this, your team took almost no dmg. Very interesting seeing good dps and tank.

  3. All these years I have played only Prot/Ret paladin, never , ever I tried any other healing class, but I'm starting to like holy paladin it's like, I will beat the shit out of this boss/mob, but hey take a heal since we are here, lol.
    I chose venthyr as covenant, because don't like kyrian even though its BIS for Holy. Any suggestion on the talents build for that specific covenant?

  4. Hey man i have been watching your video for sometime because pally really heal like shit now…and i find BOV really useful and good….but there is 1 thing why do you always CRIT when you do your heals? mine crit is at 20% and only crit maybe like 1 or 2 times in the entire dungeon run….the healing was so bad…heals like 2 to 3k on HLand HS was like 2k or something? and that's made me really piss off…even i have plan and time properly those Big AOE incoming damage..My ITL is 174 and i'm really having a tough time healing normal and Heroic

  5. Glad I found your videos. I haven't played since MoP, and the class was looking very weird with all the damage priority guides. Your PVE beacon of virtue really helped me explore something besides meta that fits my play style better.

  6. Hey there, just decided hop onto youtube to see if people are making guides for this class – not as many as I thought right now. We're in a weird spot. I'm on the Paladin forum a lot currently and trying to find what style I like. It's cool because there seems to be the melee or ranged option. I'm really not enjoying the melee glimmer build, I love my range build. I'm glad to see we're still looking plenty viable as a rangeish healer. Even if mostly range. I enjoy casting holy light as a filler and such. Unsure where this class will go, I've played it for quite a long time by now. First time I feel like we're feeling a bit odd right now. I appreciate your content. Subbed. Edit: I also like your calmness and open-mindedness.

  7. Good video. I think it's good to try all the talents and builds and see what works for you. As a healer I don't think anybody will question your build unless u really can't keep people up when u should be able to.

  8. So I see this is over a month old now but I've just caught on to your content and am enjoying seeing someone who isn't shouting, "GO HOLY SHOCK AND GLIMMER BUILD ONLY!" I healed as hpal for maybe the third time ever this week with my guild running heroic nathria (one of our normal healers couldn't make it) and I came with a pretty weird setup that actually worked out alright. I was using Mad Paragon at 225 because its my secondary leggo for ret, and I combined it with avenging crusader. I'm not joking when I tell you people who were skeptical at first, were no longer skeptical when I popped ashen hallow and avenging crusader right as sludgefist rammed a pillar because I went from a measly 3.5k hps to about 7.5k for the 26-second avenging crusader (paragon increases duration and with lust up I use hammer pretty consistently) and at the same time as my healing is amped, sludgefist is taking 100% increased damage from my big damage window. Sometimes these non-meta builds just make more sense to the people playing them, and that pretty much always means they'll do better using off-meta than they would using the meta starts overall. It's just refreshing to watch and I appreciate the content!


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