Shadowlands PVP Class Update

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Shadowlands PVP Class Update


27 thoughts on “Shadowlands PVP Class Update”

  1. So Kill Command is not a Burst Cooldown. It is indeed a part of the BM's rotation. So maybe they listen to complains about the pet damaging abilities here, as this spell is executed by them.
    Rather this than them listening to sustained damage VS. Burst windows.

  2. Crazy how Ret Paladins have just been running rampant all of 9.0 and probably all of 9.1 if nothing changes, tired of getting 1 globaled by a Ret for 30k dmg in 1 Final verdicts, 30% vers won’t save you from a Ret burst 😂

  3. Problem is that they are nerfing instant cast spells for Fire mages and buffing Fireball that need to be casted. Imagine 2 melees vs Fire/Frost mage or Shadow priest. Same time you can not kite vs 2 melees because spell like Frost nova are uses less. No chance for the Frost/ Fire mage/Priest in such situation. What they will do now is to make casters more tankier, but not able to do high instant dmg and not able to kite. Which is very stupid gameplay. Now I see warriors, monks, ret paladins, DKs and DH as top dmg and kills in any PVP gameplay, which is very stupid….

  4. Why? WHY are killshot buffs left in? It already crits 15k as a random instant proc. It's like ranged condemn for a spec that can throw dots and pets on you, and line until they get a proc to slap a 15k crit on you, as if their pets and dots didn't already do more damage than half of the specs in game.

    Kinda tired maining demo warlock for the 5th or so year in a row it's not even B-tier. BM hunter feels like a direct upgrade to my spec:
    1. more pet damage
    2. no need to hard cast anything
    3. better burst on 1/3rd of the CD
    4. they have an execute
    5. BM pets are way harder to kite and cc
    6. their pet heal is better and they got more defensives for the pet
    7. BM is way more mobile and able to kite
    8. better defensive cooldowns, especially for this season
    9. option to have a stealth opener
    10. their cc is instant
    11. BM mortal strike is like 2x bigger than demo's
    12. actually good sustain damage with scary spikes
    13. mail armor, since demo also lacks "demon armor" despite being the demonology spec (good job blizz)
    14. BM pet stun is 25% longer

    Only thing demo has over BM is fear, and when being trained by 2 mongoloid melee with 200 buttons that interrupt casts or make them immune, that is a bit overrated for the list above. Especially when facing BM hunters it feels like I'm playing their spec on hard mode, with no gear equipped.
    And for those guys and fire mages to get more buffs while I sit at the bottom of the viability list for half a decade at this point. Yay.

  5. Just throwing in a random comment for the algo – not that there's any money in this nowadays, AND the game is superded by now, but if you're looking for pvp intensity check out Battlerite. It IS a competitive masterpiece and a brilliant game (burned people out a LOT though due to the intensity 😉 ).

  6. Hey Supa, I have a resto druid thats only like 217 ilvl. I feel like I'm too squishy to participate in the fight (esp against hunters) lest I get cced or swapped. So I end up pillar pve healing. Is this the right move until I get gear?

  7. Me I won't play WoW anymore till there is no Soloq. I'm so tired to wait hours before queing with toxic players. I love that game, but hey, I want play.

  8. While I agree that more consistent pressure is good for the overall health of the game… you say that cooldowns should only add a little bit more, but the reality for most classes is that cool downs are their pressure, and just adding more pressure in a lacking area and not removing some from the burst cds is going to be incredibly problematic. Imagine a Ret pally with good sustained on top of their burst.

  9. they need to stop actively designing around having meta classes, just try and balance all the specs. They said it was as easy as turning some dials after all the redesigns so why are we still in this place? It is obvious to see outliers and underperformers but blizzard continually sit of their hands for too long. Nothing wrong with small and consistent tweaks and tuning throughout the season.

  10. Lol…pvp team comes in Monday and say “woah”. We all know that doesn’t happen. The “pvp team” at blizzard are the employees that mop the floor and wash the windows.


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