Shadowlands PvP Discussion with Game Dev Holinka

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The full VOD of my recent interview with game developer Holinka on the state of PVP in Shadowlands.
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28 thoughts on “Shadowlands PvP Discussion with Game Dev Holinka”

  1. this solo que conversation for arena has to be more thoroughly talked about. If blizzards issue is when you get to a certain rating, your win/loss will probably be based on what randomized comp you get with solo que, then just add a cap to it! for example: 0-1000 soloque/lfg. 1000-1500 soloque/lfg 1500-1800 soloque/lfg and then from 1800-on just have lfg only! i definitely feel like if they actually fully thought out the idea it can really make a beneficial impact on pvp man. idk

  2. Great vid he really gave good answers with more info than I think most give imo.i do want to talk about 6v6 rated bgs,its a bit worrisome to me with how some classes just blow ppl up that spec that aren't 1shottin ppl won't make it and that 6v6 will put more of a strain in classes getting into hate to see 1tank 2 healer and just 3 boomys or something like that and all these other classes are just dismissed. To another topic this fast burst as ven was saying where in1-1.5 sec fast burst and I'm dead and don't even know what happened deal is rough especially to my main yup mw monk I got to says its been tough. Im notcrazy skilled enough to be hitting 2k rating or anything but I'm decent player who with alot of patience and the luck of finding a person that is willing to kinda grind through all these loses and then synergies with some can get to 16-1700 but that burst just seems like it needs to be toned down just a bit I know ppl need to die but atleast for mw monk its really really tough to live. I seeing holy pally and rsham doing BIG DICK DMG and mw monk really has a hard time surviving these.i know that's getting a lil more into that class issue than the burst dmg itself but I think dimming down that burst but still making games not last so long. I don't want to make this so long so great interview hope to see and gain sts

  3. Regardless of the problems I'm thrilled they at least sat down and gave an interview. I have dozens of complaints about pvp, but if they communicated and engaged more like this it woudl go far in my books.

    It does bother me that they don't see alt gearing as the huge problem it is.

  4. Venruki, bring a rating based on your spec is probably the best solution for us un PvP. Like that, balancing class in soloq is not a problem anymore, people will just play their best spec and will try to be better than other players playing the same spec

  5. Its insane how most popular bracket has no rewards and also its not main pvp event. In every game main mode is also most popular like by far. Its mind boggling that it works that way in wow. In league Summoners Rift is most played and its also main mode. Same literally in every other competitive game. His arguments for not having soloQ are also kinda irrelevant. He is scared about bad compositions. Well like this is not case in all other competitive games. People one tricking, playing what they want despite team comp. People grief, troll and this is increased with number of players on team. This would be advantage of soloQ arena. Less people less griefers. Shorter games you are not stuck with them too long. I think arena is perfect for soloQ. In the end consistent people will climb ladder and will be actually more fair than premade Q which was his main concern. Now if I wanna play arena I play more Sims mode where I trying to find teammates longer than actual game session on average. And if I will climb mostly depends if I find good match or free booster not how I actually play the game. At this moment wow arena is not really rewarding for me for this reason not for actual gameplay.

  6. The problem with gearing is not the honor or conquest grind; but the fact it's tied to rank and the option of getting that ranked "other ways". Pitty this wasn't adressed in the interview. Good vid overall

  7. What about muuhhh rpg in mop and wod??? Why should i PAY and play this game for others to have fun by destroying me in pvp cause of gear?? Noo thanks fuck that.

  8. Great interview , and great job by Holinka and his team ! Very exited about 9.1 patch and all the changes in pvp . This is what we want not the fugazi TBC hype .

  9. Or like how PvE is not like PvP, because you actually HAVE to pay attention?? I don't care if you stand in the fire, with your dumbass. But Kill the damned HEALER(S)!

  10. First of all good job, Ven. Thank you for getting this done. We seem to never get PVP specific interviews and I am thankful to have this one.

    8 months into the new expansion and we are just now getting pvp talents worked on, while just about every other issue you brought up either "wasn't prioritized", "might look at in future patches", or couldn't be changed because it would effect pve. It just feels super disappointing and pretty frustrating.

    I've always heard people joke about pvp being a second class citizen in Wow and I've never really put much stock into it, but after hearing a bunch of answers like these it is really difficult not to feel that way.

    Again, thanks to you and Holinka for doing this.

  11. Holinka is the reason retail sucks. By the sound of this interview, he’s making it suck even more. Activision needs to retire him.

    Activision also needs to look back to pre-acquisition, go back to what they knew was working and keep the casual and pro PvPer happy.

    Understand that not everyone wants to raid and quest too much. Some I get, but you make it so “F”ing painful. Bring back the MoP / WoD style PvP vendor. I want to choose my next piece of gear. Make a viable path for the PvPer doing PvP stuff.

    Make PvP great again!

  12. I just don't understand why someone who's already better than me needs an ilvl advantage. The gear should be equal for all, I believe it would feel more competitive.

  13. So, we heard their thought process behind them not implementing soloq for arenas. But what's the excuse for not implementing it for RBGs? Why do I have to sit for 1 hour, or even more, browsing and refreshing and sifting through LFG groups, hoping to get picked and then, once i get picked, i have to wait even more for others to join our raid group? And why, while I do this whole lot of waiting sitting in a raid group (that often times gets disbanded or worse, get kicked off in favor of another class), can't I get credit towards completion of world quest, or dailies, or even fucking maw weeklies?

    Speaking about LFG tool, why aren't there more options to improve listing of groups specifically for pvp? Like, searching and filtering for MMR, required to join or possesed, or something that automatically tracks your fucking rating achievement so raid leaders can see it without the need to open up a browser and go look for your armory? Listing for slots available, like "we require 1 tank, 3 healers, 6 dps" and then you can see which slot is available and can SORT for the ones still open so you dont have to waste your time sifting through dozens of groups that are already filled, missing out on groups you could have joined instead.

    The LFG tool is so slow that by the time you've found your third healer, one of the other two or the tank has already left, since no one wants to waste time there.

    I wouldn't mind having a soloq system for RBGs that allow me to carry on my usual daily routine of anima gathering, wq farming and rep grinding. Just like regular BGs. You join and then you go do other stuff. I don't think its unreasonable.

  14. Simple ideas.
    1) Take the best gear item level in the arena party and recount it to MMR. If you are both low geared, you get low geared players against you. If you are high geared (just one or everyone), you will get high geared people against you. Then here will come your skill to decide, who will win.
    2) Gear means cap, so for example 200ilvl can achieve maximum 1800CR. You need to farm CP to get better gear, as usual. New season -> 220ilvl=1800CR for example.
    3) Skirmish – make it possible to grind CP, slower than standard arena, if you wish. Make possible to log in as healer in 2s. Make skirmish as LFGroup, where you can specifiy, what are you searching for. If you will try to find double mage comp, it will be significantly longer finding, than if rogue will try to find mage and mage rogue. Then you have something like soloque.

    It´s right, that ppl have to die in arena, but oneshots are really stupid way and there is only one side, who is enjoying it. And it´s not the healer. With speeding up of dying in arena will healers put into bad spots and eventually means that there will be mostly 2x dps comps.

    Anyway, just with 1,2,3) Boosting minimized. Playable for alts or new people.

    Thanks Ven for this interview.

  15. The developers fall into this hole a lot and that's them focusing too hard on the "top players" and deciding how to steer the game based on that. Top tier players are the loudest and have followers that are loud, so it's obvious developers will struggle to look beyond that. Not to mention they are probably on a direct message relationship with some of them and might be buddies.

    Keep in mind that when they focus on the very top, they lose perspective on the lower 90% of the player-base and what they're dealing with. Namely ilvl differential. We know from lvl 59 random battlegrounds, that when the ilvls are similar, pvp plays amazingly well. This gets thrown out the window as the average player climbs in the 60 pvp swamp.

    Would really like to see developers talk more about the mid-player experience.

  16. If the devs spent as much time building their development skills and community listening skills as they did their deflection and non answer answering skills then we'd have one hell of a GREAT game.

  17. I feel like the problem with Ilevel disparity isn't the space between where you are at and the next tier of 6 ilevel, it's the fully decked glads carrying people in 1600-1800… that's not 6ilevels anymore it's like 20. THAT is the issue. Carries for gold/money fuck the systems in the game and overall design. It should be stopped however possible IMO.

  18. Blizzard just should create a separate session game for Arenas, BGs and other PvP stuff. But they are too slow and stupid to understand that as it was with Dota. They just don't see trending…


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