Shadowlands PvP – Nerf or Buff?

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31 thoughts on “Shadowlands PvP – Nerf or Buff?”

  1. I would like for Empower Rune weapon to have a 1 minute CD to sinc with Pilar of frost and that chain of ice would root target for 2 sec if frost spec the burst feels nice it's a little slow compare to other classes but I love playing 2H obilt frost DK 🙂

  2. yeap stop being little bitches plz. i remember my ret friend griefing cause i was winning duels vs him as sub rogue. now i got nerfed and i still wreck his noob ass cause he doesnt know his class at all after 5 expansions and doesnt put the time and effort on playing it. (rerolled to dk cause rogue doesnt feel right atm) Also Savix keep it up you're the best!

  3. As a spriest I'd just like it if I could press a button while shadowlocked; can't even fade or dispersion. feelsbadman. Especially cause boomies are shapeshifting while silenced. feelsbadman.

  4. As much as dampening games suck, the current state state of PvP is far worse. I get that you may enjoy doing insane amounts of damage, but on the receiving end it does the exact opposite, it ruins the whole PvP experience. In my eyes, even 2v2 arena matches should last at least 5 minutes or so, to be a skill based fight not just pop CDs and go yolo rolling you're face across the keyboard.
    Numbers wise, there are very few classes/specs in PvP that are largely ''balanced'' relatively speaking, such as warlocks, including affliction, fury warrior(arms is just wrecks people atm), where the damage is not too strong and not too weak, but right smack in the middle where it allows for more competitive play instead of just blowing people up, with or without healers, the problem is caused by other classes that do a lot more damage.
    The high damage across the board is why i absolutely despise PvP now, you just don't get to play, you just die and no def CDs change that.

  5. I play rogue and am not like multi glad or something but am quite good I found my selfs in lfg a very solid players. We can try our best to well win but we fail becose arena is cancer rn for players like me. If we dont win in like 2 min when the game start its extreamly hard for us since as a rogue if I dont have my dance I dont do ANY dmg its pathetic. Now compere to like rets who have isnta cast full heal that they can spam and stupid dmg I remember we played against ret and monk, my fire mage kinda soloed monk while I kept pala in cc, well then it was 2v1 situation and the pala went for my mage I was NOT the kill target yet out of nowhere I had like 40% health becose of wake of ash and final reckoning I think Its STUPIDLY Strong that class… thats just an example tho there are more boomies,prot palas, arms, monks for me arena is bad :/ I cant deal with everyone having insane offheals and dmg out of theyre burst. And I hate that those retards from blizzard nerf rogues by 50% I was like fine we were strong what about other classes … NOTHING ………. OK ? well I gues next week they will be nerfed or at least help rogues when they dont burst… and NOTHING no nerfs, no buffs NOTHING ….. for a casual like me its hard to have fun playing pvp now

  6. I've only just started rated, of any expac, I've never done rated before shadowlands. At 1.2 in 2v2 and 1.1 in RBG's, and I play an arms warrior, deffo feel I've hit abit of a wall.

    Learning bit by bit but, it is definitely a steep learning curve starting out. Would love to see a video some day about how you started out in arena, what you struggled with as a new comer.

  7. great video, i see ppl talking like this (stoopz who he also said it right etc) and that seems so right! really gj! i like the more serious tone/message you have here! gj man !! ty!! happy holidays!

  8. totally agree, Thank you Savix for great videos and thank you Blizz for removing pvp scalling and giving us pvp vendor! it's Christmas and it's time to be appreciative with what we got, from all the classes out there so far I think boomy would need some rework to the convoke ability to let it be strong but just not one shot ppl out of stealth yesterday I seen record number when a boomy deleted me and my friend in 2v2 in one second 22k crit Moon in convoke :)) there is no reaction to that insta dead 😀

  9. rogues deserved every percent of that nerf, theres no argument to be held. theres no buff to other classes that wouldve made rogues more balanced. like whats more damage gonna do for anyone when a rogue can still get the 7 sec sap on ur healer into a 7 sec kidney into a 7 sec blind into another 7 sec sap and at the same time destroying you in one global


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