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Shadowlands Ret Paladin Pre Patch PVP Guide
Due to High Demand I made a pre patch talent guide for ret paladins 🙂
Hope this helps!
whats the macro for your final reckoning? i see other ppl do but don't know what it is
seems for me more like gay content with all that nude oiled muscular men…disgusting!!!!
hey savix have you tried prot yet? so awesome, huge dmg and insane survival.
OMG, Final Verdict just got a Huge Nerf, im so mad, only decent lego we have, 50% down to 15%, to much
With all those muscles in your thumbnails one would assume you would workout like a madman yourself
Nice info bro but what is up with all of your thumbnails 🤣
Hey there's a guy named McConnell, he's pretty good and definately has some tips you could use.
Real chads don’t need addons
Hi Mccool <3
how good its prot paladin for leveling?
4:20 … very nice
but but mister what heart traits are you stacking???
thank god for mah reefa mayn
12 am you mean?
Good video, ugly mog
I’m going to be on a Savix thumbnail in shadowlands Mark my words eyes glow and all
hey man thanks for the shadowlands guide
Is it worth getting back to wow for shadowlands guys? I honestly quit since wotlk/cataclysm. I was playing Wow for pvp
Go Sub Rogue Pre-path
Try using sanctified wrath with lights decree x3. It's my top damage as a passive and its super busted. Much stronger than running ES, which is very predictable IMO
Sup Savix! I've heard you recommend Zandalri troll for Ret Paladin. I'm currently a Tauren. Is that make or break for PvP/PvE? Should I race change or is the difference minimal?
Appreciate your Ret Paladin videos, brother!
420 hehe
The bodybuilder thumbnails are gold. 😂
hey savix, im holding the original Solo Que down on Sargeras. im the only member ever online could you at least make me able to invite to the guild or something? Im Nobruh the feral druid :). anyways love u long time
Im not even playing paladin
Hey Savix great work bro!! I have a question… Zandalari Troll or BE for Ret PvP??
Sorry i'm french i can't understand everything x) You have Maccro ? If you say yes, what is your maccro plz ? Thx bro !
Put conflict and strife in minor. take out vision of perfection. Run blood of the enemy major. Muuuuuuuch better. I've one shot people with final reckoning when I do execution sentence, wings, blood of the enemy, vial trinket for strength increase then final reckoning. If that doesn't kill them then wake of ashes and Templar verdict right after will.
Nice Guide. Can you pls show us your actually macros?
you the best man tyvm for the help just started playing my ret again and you made it super easy with this video to get back into pvp tyvm sir