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We had to wait three weeks, but Final Verdict is here! Ret Paladins across Shadowlands rejoice, but was it worth the wait??
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Ret Demolishes M+ in Shadowlands:
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I think it's quite underwhelming in M+, Raid fine. But it shines more in pvp. But the again for pvp I'd still use Sephuz
Just need to earn more soul ash to get mine.
Love final verdict!
Very nice! Ty
Been testing Final Verdict in pvp and boy does it feel good to have that extra range however the HoW proc is abysmal, they honestly should have kept the increased TV damage like it was on Beta and just removed the HoW cast chance altogether.
Hammer time. I switched my sword to a hammer to fit the theme. Granted it's the only legendary I have so I like it alot
Final Verdict is BIS for every situation because of that kickass animation
202 ilvl with a 213 weapon and i hit half as hard as you do wth
what's the weak aura for the skills in the middle there?
It was op af in wod haha. If u had tons of procs it was gg for the enemy
Would you recommend Final Verdict or any of the HOW legendaries for a venthyr?
The first thing i took was Sephuz and I'm looking into swapping a legendary into something ret specific, cant decide between Final Verdict, The Mad Paragon, Tempest, or however the denathrius' one was called.
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What addon reminds you to kill the pod?
Thank you for this! Bro I appreciated so much! I subbed before and haven't regretted it! The amount of games I have lost form range were too many! But the biggest selling point for me was disarm! I learnt the other day even druids have disarm! Which costed me a game as the druid survived my wings because it!
It's going to be a hard choice, I find also in pvp tempest be very helpful and the cleave under burst can melt down two melees pretty fast specially of the are tunneling vision your healer, it also helps to stop rogues and mages stealthing. Yet I would love to hit big from range, specially with kiters, hardest ones are surely resto shaman and monk. For pve on m+ tempest is just the one, pulling out between 10k and 15k is godly and everyone likes you burning down big packs so fast, yet maybe on bosses it may shine, I didn't like paragon much, yes it increase the burst window but with all the movement you can hardly get use of it, so something that increase your dps out of the burst window would be better. Damn if only we could use all conduits aswell XD
would it overall be better than sephuz for the raw dmg output? and would the legendary allows you to negate defensive cooldowns that are melee specific?