I'm a Venthyr ret paladin. I have orange parses on almost every CN fight.
I run a haste mastery build with Theo as my soul bind. Ashen Hollow doesnt just allow you to use HoW, if that's all it did, it would be garbage. It also increases your HoW damage by 100% while you are standing in it.
I'm ilvl189 and have orange logs. Dont sleep on the haste mastery build with Venthyr
Hmm i have 18% haste 19% crit 18% mastery 10% verse 207 ilvl is that 6.2k dps a overall from a m+ 10 or what cus i do 4.2k overall in most m+ dungeons some times even up to 4.9k overall but thats the highest ive gotten so far for overall im usually top dps but if thats 6.2k overall in a +10 im slackin lmk
Hey what’s up I see you’re on Sargeras (Stormrage Ret here Skulldancer ) I have a question. You only have 399 haste but went with a blade of wrath talent. Why didn’t you go with the CS talent to make your cool down faster? I have about 480 haste and I still went with it just to make my CS 4.5 seconds. Plus I see you went with a ton of crit.
See this just goes to show I have no clue how to play this overly complicated game. Been playing for over a year, I'm a ret pally, no idea how to figure out rotations, I'm in the necro covenant, and had still didn't under 90 percent of what you said.
Final rockning is the best they buffed it i crit like 15k to all enemys just try it
I'm a Venthyr ret paladin. I have orange parses on almost every CN fight.
I run a haste mastery build with Theo as my soul bind. Ashen Hollow doesnt just allow you to use HoW, if that's all it did, it would be garbage. It also increases your HoW damage by 100% while you are standing in it.
I'm ilvl189 and have orange logs. Dont sleep on the haste mastery build with Venthyr
lmao, i went full haste….
I strongly disagree with your talent choices
Hmm i have 18% haste 19% crit 18% mastery 10% verse 207 ilvl is that 6.2k dps a overall from a m+ 10 or what cus i do 4.2k overall in most m+ dungeons some times even up to 4.9k overall but thats the highest ive gotten so far for overall im usually top dps but if thats 6.2k overall in a +10 im slackin lmk
Hey what’s up I see you’re on Sargeras (Stormrage Ret here Skulldancer ) I have a question. You only have 399 haste but went with a blade of wrath talent. Why didn’t you go with the CS talent to make your cool down faster? I have about 480 haste and I still went with it just to make my CS 4.5 seconds. Plus I see you went with a ton of crit.
Rotation explained. Longest cool down is first priority. Put in hammer of wrath when it’s up before TV. Done
What I want to Know is does Templar's Vindication stack with Final Verdict, I can't find anything and I don't want to craft it to check it out lol
thanks for sharing. love it.
Haste is best stat for ret and prot wtf and vers is good in pvp why he saying it dogshit
Haste all the way what is this guy talking about. Judge BoJ have such a long Cd so would you neglect that ????
why tf is your cam/frame taking up half the screen??
thoughts on fires of justice with the magistrates judgment?
Sad that no one needs pala as dps in pve
Thank you for putting 9.0. A lot of content creators don’t put the patch number and it makes it impossible to find the right guide.
hello why all ppl say that u must try veredict and storm with 5 stacks of holy power? i dont get it im new player of paladin class 🙁
I love crusade but everyone chooses sw or fr
Haven't played WoW in years. This and logging into the game is like a totally different game
If one goes with Night Fae, make sure you have the Blessing of summer before a boss since mastery benefits from that as ret
what does he mean when he says simulate it? its an addon which calculates your dps ?
See this just goes to show I have no clue how to play this overly complicated game. Been playing for over a year, I'm a ret pally, no idea how to figure out rotations, I'm in the necro covenant, and had still didn't under 90 percent of what you said.