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Shadowlands Retribution Paladin Duel Commentary
AliG gold
infinite freedom is a bug or legit?
what I got from this video is ret does no damage outside wings.. how it's different than BFA? sure more healing but spaming WoG until FR/ES or wings is back is zzzzzzzzzzz
Is this the real SYRIX? :'D #soloQ love u savix my brother <3
Oddly satisfying this kind of ret master duel videos!
Keep up the good work, i cant wait for the next one!
May the likes be with you sir!
Word of Glory should cost 5 Holy power instead of 3.
Judgement should also give you a 20% movement speed buff for 3 sec.
Freedom should have a 20 sec cd.
Nerf Damage some to, maybe remove some damage from the hammer thingi and put it into Crusader strike and Judgement?
Looks like blizzards favorite class is one shot class agai.. time to reroll mage..
they dont even use the expansion's powers, souldbinds conduits etc at lvl 60….. this isnt even representative
I like your pvp style! 😀
So we all get Lamborghinis right you flew up and coincided ?
What addon is Savix using for huis Action bars?
Esto ya parece 3.3.5 xdd y peor porque absorben más los escudos que el daño y es más fácil con 5 poderes xD y se curan full con 3 curaciones , con 3 lo debe subir un 70%
nerf is coming and ret sucks again.
Why didnt you bubble regeneratin! Instead of wasting all your mana on flashes
So pally is going to be training dummies this expansion?
what's the addon for big buff icons to the side of enemy nameplates please?
Yo everyone loves Ronnie Coleman but can we make a Jay Cutler thumbnail at least once?
What's the addon that keeps track of their cd by their nameplate with cd timer
Yeah this expansion just like draeonor+ is absolute dogshit. 100% shame and absolutely pathetic.
Whats the addon that shows enemy buffs/debuffs next to their health bar??
That's a pretty good arcane mage not gonna lie
what is the little add on thing that shows timers next to the health bars?
They nerfed furys warriors self heal, while all these classes do way more damage and heal themselfes by a ton gg blizz.
Savix not sure if you have done a video on this, what addons do you use? if you dont mind telling
Guess we are not getting a free Lamborghini 🤪
Guys how is called the addon that showsh him like the spell reflection of warrior, die by the sword next to the healthbar of the enemy player?
Cheat. You lost.
You mounted up, reset completely then claimed victory after crying about losing. Stfu.
imagine giving ret a GAP CLOSER LOL
Hello savix, what is the addon showing BIG CDS, next to health bars. Thx Senpaiii !
I wanna see a chart from the demo duel which shows how often you pressed holy word glory in comparison to all you other abilities @Savix
Top Class: Boomkin
I thought Savix was quiting Ret?
@Savix how did you get final reckoning on him without the aoe circle displaying? Or r u just fast👺
why do not use final reckoning when execution sentence is active?
Can't stop laughing duel warlock "dude he need to stop sucking me" 😂
don't mind me savix im here for the jojo references
how u got WoD version of templars verdict?
7:29 "Nooo, Uh NOOOOOOO" lmao, same reaction
Pvp looks amazing though trinkets man me no like
Thats how its goes when you keep playing retail.
Keep playing retail
How did u hit mage 20k?!
Retri Paladin is one of the most infamous classes
Why is there no cool down on hand of freedom?
Yo what ability is that when his character swings his sword from behind him and slams it on to the Spriest? It looks like the new 2h frost dk obliterate animation. I didn't know other 2h classes got it too
i love that you are using jet set radio music in the backround. classic game fantastic ost highly reccomend just listening to it.