Shadowlands Rogue 9.0.2 Guide: Weapon Enchants and Weapon Enhancements!

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So there are a lot of weapon enchants and now weapon enhancements, it can be a bit confusing to know which ones are more useful, so this little supplement to my rogue guides should help explain everything about them. ^^

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All of my WeakAuras I made for my personal UI:

0:00:00 Introduction
0:00:43 Overview/Disclaimers
0:01:46 Weapon Enchant Overview
0:03:16 Pointers/Tips about Weapon Enchants
0:04:12 Best Enchant Combinations For Single Target+AoE
0:05:22 Weapon Enhancement Overview
0:06:02 Pointers/Tips about Weapon Enhancements
0:06:27 Best Weapon Enhancement to Use
0:07:14 Recap

If you have any comments, questions or concerns, feel free to message me here or on my Twitter account for the channel @ZeraTheRedRogue.

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As always- This is The Red Rogue, and I’ll see you guys around.

*Okayest Rogue in North America is subject to debate and might be less than or more than Okayest at any given time.

Thanks a ton to the folks who run Bloodmallet, as they give so much information to the community at no charge at all. Support them if you’re able to, or at least spread the word of their useful content to the rest of our community.

Much appreciation for the fine folks at for the wealth of knowledge they give to the community.

Much appreciation to Shane Ivers – for his musical piece “The Buccaneer’s Haul” Which I used a portion of after adding a couple sound effects from WoWHead.


20 thoughts on “Shadowlands Rogue 9.0.2 Guide: Weapon Enchants and Weapon Enhancements!”

  1. Update/Edit: with more updated simulations, it looks like running dual oils IF you're using Phantom Fire potions it can SOME TIMES be a slightly higher DPS total than stones, but if you aren't using them then it's still lower. Just be sure to sim yourself to see if that is the case for your own character ^^

    This information can very possible change in the future, but it is current/up to date as of it being made as I did quite a few sims of every combination of these enchancts/enhancers in all 3 specs to try and see exactly how it all came out. Even testing them on target dummies resulted in pretty similar results, but as I always say- SIM your own setup, it may not be 100% the same result I got. Also I don't mention this often enough, but a huge thank you to all the theorycrafters over on Ravenholdt who make most of this information so much easier to find and understand. ^^

    I didn't mention it in the video, but I highly recommend just skimming through to the timestamps/segmented portions you're interested in since a lot of it is explanation of things. ^^ Basically super TLDR, you want to use one Celestial Guidance with either one Sinful Revelation, or one Lightless Force. Don't stack Sinful Revelations or Celestial Guidance since they don't actually stack and instead just overlap their buff refreshes, meaning you're wasting enchant buff potential. You can stack Lightless Force if you really want a little extra AoE, but it makes you lose single target due to the loss of the agi % bonus from Celestial Guidance. For weapon enhancements, Shaded Sharpening Stone is stronger than Shadowcore Oil, even with the bonuses to pre-pots.

    Anyways, hope your first week of Shadowlands was an eventful one, and have a great day! <3

  2. Im kinda sad the see that the oil and potion combo is not best for raid without high level deeper daggers, at least i can use it in torghast for the memes, cheers for the vid lad, was wondering about this. P.S: i see that sepsis cast nice to see you went night fae as well lad 🙂 we all furry bois now

  3. For M+ would it be a good idea to run both Sinful Revelation and Lightless Force, so that you have something for trash and bosses. When the prices drops ofc =) And thank you for the time you put into these videos. Keep up the great work feeding us with your testing =)

  4. So Im coming back to retail after a few years off. What is the best weapon set up for sub rogues. Dagger MH (Obviously) but what about offhand? Should I go with fast dagger or something slow like a sword in OH?


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