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2nd channel :
yeah, dude, you should try PVE 😀
Minor setback for the wheelchair boss
I want to play shadow but my pc is trash 🙁
Savix the role-playing walking legend!
man i wanted to hop through the screen and punch claak in his damn face for that cheap sweaty ass boring pillar humping gameplay nonsense…like i get it but that just takes so much fun outta the video watching that cringe
Damn, I wanted to see the shadow god destroy everyone.
Just realized that the outro song is from jojo
it's like a pro athlete hanging with chess club nerds.
I like how he legit switched his aura to mounted speed 🙁
We needed a community poll from blizzard on whether or not vulpera should exist in wow before implementation. I though nothing could possibly be worse than pandas as a playable race, but I was wrong.
🤔😐😶🤯😅🤣😵 me throughout this video. Never seen RP in WoW, I've just heard of it a lot.
You had me stressing for a moment when you said you were quitting pvp. I almost cried😰
wait how can moronic minds and snackybox be in the same group theyre both the same
Have you met my daughter?
That void-elf thumbnail looks familiar
At this point I'm fully expecting the next paladin class mount to be a wheel chair.
Who is the legend that killed them all at the end? Is he a wow streamer?
Remember Garrosh?
He saw the inevitable future of Horde having furries, that's why Siege of Orgrimmar happened.
Garrosh did nothing wrong.
The second half of the video is so depressing, reroll man i can't watch this 🙁
glad to see all the classic bois found friends on retail too,we welcome the classic wow memers like snackybox,pint,moronicminds and the others
its soo painful to watch with your broken wheelchair
man that paladin kite would be really sad if it wasn't so funny
Much buttons are pressed in the making of pally vs shammy: Wheelchairs sad much
Wait so whole vid is just savix losing vs a shaman