Shadowlands Season 4 is Wild! Taliesin Reacts to the News

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World of Warcraft Shadowlands Season 4 has been announced for patch 9.2.5 and there are surprising features, like new gear levels, new Mythic+ dungeons in the shape of mechagon, Karazahn and Warlords of Draenor dungeons, and a new “Season of Mastery” for Shadowlands raid, with affixes and boss changes in Castle NAthria, Sanctum of Domination and Sepulcher of the First Ones. There’s also some datamining of patch 9.2.5 with possible guild stables(??!!!), new mounts and new heritage armor questlines for Dark Iron Dwarves and Blood Elves. Taliesin takes a look and gives his opinion onstream and asks what this means for the release date of the new expansion 10.0

Vote Now on Which 2 WoD Dungeons Will Be Added to Shadowlands Season 4:

New Patch 9.2.5 Mounts Featuring Green Hawkstrider – Datamining Build 42850:

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Taliesin and Evitel Stream Highlights, Taliesin reacts, new world of Warcraft patch 9.2.5, cross faction, new raid, new expansion release date, playable dark rangers


38 thoughts on “Shadowlands Season 4 is Wild! Taliesin Reacts to the News”

  1. Did you miss the Blizz announcement that they switched to the Julian Calendar.
    The Julian Calendar

    In 45 B.C., Julius Caesar ordered a calendar consisting of twelve months based on a solar year. This calendar employed a cycle of three years of 365 days, followed by a year of 366 days (leap year). When first implemented, the "Julian Calendar" also moved the beginning of the year from March 1 to January 1. However, following the fall of the Roman Empire in the fifth century, the new year was gradually realigned to coincide with Christian festivals until by the seventh century, Christmas Day marked the beginning of the new year in many countries.

    By the ninth century, parts of southern Europe began observing first day of the new year on March 25 to coincide with Annunciation Day (the church holiday nine months prior to Christmas celebrating the Angel Gabriel's revelation to the Virgin Mary that she was to be the mother of the Messiah). The last day of the year was March 24. However, England did not adopt this change in the beginning of the new year until late in the twelfth century.

    Because the year began in March, records referring to the "first month" pertain to March; to the second month pertain to April, etc., so that "the 19th of the 12th month" would be February 19. In fact, in Latin, September means seventh month, October means eighth month, November means ninth month, and December means tenth month. Use of numbers, rather than names, of months was especially prevalent in Quaker records.

  2. The concept of reusing content to keep competitive players entertained during the lull would be fine, but what about the players that are not into raids, M+, or rated PvP? Will there be new gearing systems, revamped open world zones , or queued content for the masses?

  3. I can guarantee you that most people who voted on the dungeon picks from WoD for Season 4 have no clue how m+ works and how Grimrail depot worked back then, especially in challenge mode. When it comes out, grimrail will be the new Tazavesh m+ that everyone will avoid like the plague after their first experience.
    The place has some really buggy camera positioning, the trash is unforgiving and does not fit today's m+ standards, the bosses are PUG killers.
    It's one thing to be nostalgic about a dungeon from vague memories, and a whole other to fuck the entire community over by selecting a dungeon to exist in a patch that no one would want to run. Smh.

  4. I love to see my name in the left, and the chat ♥ I follow you since Legion with my other account. I wish there's a way to tell you how much you inspire me. I know you are busy with a lot of things, and having a random chat with lot of people to talk is not always how. A guy in that stream joined to say he was waiting for cancer results, I hope he's ok. I used to stream, best I did was 18 people chatting at the same time. I used to have a guy who only comes so he can release stress ALWAYS COMPLAINING ABOUT HIS JOB. One time I was playing the armonica in the stream, and he started to use sounds alerts to shut me up and he started to narrate his "bad day". I also saw that guy, Captain D4k. He was just another person who wanted to have an scapegoat. He was a moron, and people love to be morons on the internet, specially in YT, WoW, Twitter, etc.
    A lot of famous people that I watch always show photos of bad comments, but ignore a lot of others with so much positive energy. It happens to all, I guess.
    I always write you. Almost every video. I know you don't care, and nobody cares actually, but I want to tell you some stuffs.
    First, this is really difficult to me, english is not my best language, and I can't really express as I really want.
    I'm 26. I'm from Argentina. About 10 months ago, I lost my cat. And she was more than that to me. She was the only one that didn't let me feel alone. I quit everything. I was with a girl too, 2 years, she dumped me 2 weaks after my cat left. I always talked about you and Evi, with her. I used to think she was my Evi.
    So, now I have a lot of nervous attacks. My cat really left an scar inside me that I can't heal. Honestly, I'm just waiting to die or she to be back, whatever happens next.
    I have a youtube channel talking about the daily life of a med student. A lot of people every day wants to talk to me, but I can't, I am not myself anymore.
    My heart's always nervous… I can't do the things I did with a smile anymore. There just isn't there.
    You always analyze the cinematics, and with that, you helped me to find something about me that I didn't know I have. I learned how to do the same, not only with cinematics, with life. Every minor detail in life is so important….
    The only time that I could actually cry of happiness, since my cat is lost, is when I was telling in spanish the history of your second child, to my mom. It's just makes me really happy to know you and I find a lot of things of me in you. Or at least things I want to be.
    People always told me that I should act. "That it's in your nature". I never care, I want to be med to help people, but I love to make people laught too…. And the last stream you talked about Kevin Spacey and that he was not a good person, that you know him because you are an actor. I already knew both, but something in your words made me think about it. I will start in an acting school to see if I can found some relief.
    When you made the video about Sylvanas and Uther, the splitted soul thing…. That example of "a photo of me" when something happen and have to explain everything to that other splitted soul… I wish I could go to the past tell to my past self all what happened since my cat is lost.
    I don't feel anymore like the person that I was. I'm other thing now. A really sad shit, you could say… But your videos helps me a lot. I'm always waiting for them. I just dream someday I could meet you and, just chat, 15 minutes with both of you and a photo….
    I'm 100% you will not read me, and it's okay. People is toxic here, they always say shit like"you are crying for a cat?" or more stuff like that…
    I just wish you a really really happy life, Tali and Evi. Be proud of the persons you are. Thank you.

  5. On one hand, I like that they're adding new m+ dungeons. On another hand, there's no way I'm running them. Would've been great if they did it like Legion M+, and it was a separate keystone, but improved upon Legion M+ so that it not only contributes to the Vault count, but when you run such a key, it gets added to the loot pool too, and they give score – but without changing the achievement breakpoints, so that you can get KSM with any 10 dungeons. This would have satisfied those who want to run old dungeons, those who don't, and would give us a much larger pool of dungeons, rather than the 8 they plan (down from 10 in S3).

    I'm glad they try this, but I hope it remains a one-off thing for S4. I have absolutely no desire to run old dungeons I ran a million times. I'd rather let old content be optional, rather than forced upon us. Let us mix and match, and everyone wins. Old content is relevant, but not mandatory.

  6. If you look at the Microsoft acquisition this offers a clue I think. The "fiscal year" when the acquisition is completed ends on 30 September 2023. I think that Season 4 was a condition of the takeover behind the scenes. I'd say that 14 November 2023 might be a good date for 10.0… or more likely a worldwide release on 13 November 2023. In case this date sounds familiar, it was on 13 November 2008 that Wrath of the Lich King was released originally. If you want to TRY and grab a dose of hopium based on the "expansion everyone liked the best" and recapture the flair of the game as it once was you'd do it by saying "we're going back to what people loved about the game." (from 2008 to 2023 it's fifteen years ago WotLK arrived in the stores)

    Season 3 just started. I checked the dates for the end of Season 1 and 2, and it's about 8 months a pop. So November 2022 it's the end of Season 3 by my estimation, then Season 4 starts in December 2022, and with "8 months" it ends in August 2023. This creates a window of about three months (from August 2023 to just before the suggested November 2023 release date) in which we can wrap up stuff to do with Shadowlands, and have an end of game patch leading us into the next expansion.

    With my dates, assuming that the development cycle ends six months before release (mid-May 2023) with 3-4 months of final testing over the summer, it's also about 13 more months of development. If we assume they began development on 10.0 about two years ago, it will have had three years of development when the final six month countdown to a November 2023 release begins. In comparison, the original World of Warcraft was announced in 2001 and released in 2004. To keep to the same three-year window they'd have to have started in 2020 with developing 10.0… Not sure if this is the case but I'll make the assumption (cautiously) that it is…

    The longer the development of 10.0 took for reasons of a cohesive story, for good quest content, for sub-plots, for content to do for every flavour of gamer (and not just for end game people alone), and that they're not just cutting short and cancelling content for the sake of an arbitrary deadline, they'll have more success then also to SELL this game to the newer audience coming in from the Microsoft gaming community. That's the thing also to remember. Whatever they do they have to appease an extra 400 million gamers to "PERHAPS" get a few million to join us in our adventures in Azeroth and beyond…

  7. I'd be fine with any of WoDs dungeons coming to M+, tbh – all of them were phenominal.

    …Grimrail being on top of the vote is just icing on the cake, honestly.

  8. Iron Docks was, in many ways, the shortest and easiest of the WoD Dungeons, to the point of ENCOURAGING skipping as many mobs as possible.

    Everyone thats votes Iron Dock's is a Tryhard who wants to abuse it to get more runs in.

    … I liked Everbloom, cuz Nature losing its shit and going cuckoobananas is great, and shadowmoon Burial Grounds for the vibes….

    I ENTIRELY forgot about Bloodmaul slag Mines, yikes…

    Skyreach was great, cept for the windy parts, those can fuck right off.

    If i was less Lazy, I'd probably pick Everbloom and Shadowmoon… tho i also liked Grimrail, i managed to NEVER figure out ANY of its bosses.

  9. OMG. What if the discordia theory is true and the Primus sends us back to all the old raids and dungeons so that we can see he was actually creeping around in the background the whole time, like Bruno in Encanto. And also there's a song called "We Don't Talk About Primus".

  10. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay…gonna ignore the causal players again! Hmmm…given how this is pissing me off…I'm beginning to understand how the end game hard core player and pvp crowds feel when they they aren't getting the attention they feel they deserve from the WoW developers. I probably would actually want to do dungeons at least if I didn't end up in groups that just wanted to do speed runs through them. LOL I would actually like for Blizzard to take their time with 10.0 so that it's an expansion that actually doesn't have a quarter of the player base going "WoW IS DED!!! BLIZZARSD SUCKS!" and the other three quarters going…"Meh…yeah, whatevs," those people being the casual players that don't do raids or mythics, who find the story barely engaging enough to pay attention to beyond the first month of an expansion/patch and logs in once a week/month for five minutes to see if anything new and interesting is going on. It's a shame really and I'd like for Blizzard to take their time and up their game ('scuse the pun) to put the game back on the map than put out another mediocre expansion. I still love the game in so many ways, but since I'm not much into raids, mythic dungeons or pvp, I may end up continuing to log in once a week for five minutes to see if anything interesting is going on.

  11. I'm honestly happy. Something > Nothing. I actually logged in today and did some stuff. I had fun.

    I want them to push further with M+ like suggested. I would enjoy that system as long as its comparable and not lesser gear like it is now. Its not a deal breaker though.

    I know you probably ignore my comments Tali and I wouldn't blame you. I honestly think this is a refreshing end of xpac shakeup. Much better than 8.3.5 lull. If they do it right it could be better than end of Legion for gameplay.

    I was heavily undergeared and healed a few +10's. It was hectic fun. Trying out a new covenant for rsham. ToP punished me hard for forgetting mechanics. It was still a great experience.

    I'm actually interested in playing this season to get ready for next season.

  12. Honestly this doesn't make me feel worried over next expac. I think it's coming dec 2022 at the absolute earliest best case scenario and have little hope that target gets hit.

    But we had 4 seasons worth of pvp and M+ rewards in the game files in 9.0. They've always been planning to have 4 seasons, this isn't something they're doing out of emergency because it'll be 18 months til the next expansion.

    (also another reason why I think they had another patch planned. I still believe there were too many characters linked to arthas in this expansion and they had an arthas-centric patch planned which was the most logical to cut from the expansion as it was essentially a side-story to the main plot.

  13. I absolutely love that there will most likely be more time before 10.0, but not for the reason most people think. I don't do dungeons or raids, and I am way behind on my collections and other "filthy casual" things I want to complete before 10.0. This news gives me hope that I can catch up on some of that stuff.


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