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My experiences so far with Shadowlands…
0:00 Intro
0:25 Covenant choice
3:40 Gearing progress
7:10 Week 2 plans
8:14 Renown
8:44 Covenant Sanctum
11:14 PVP plans
11:30 Leveling a 2nd character
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I wish I could get like 12 straight hours to play. Work, GF, now thanksgiving. Fuck lol. All good problems to have though. I’ll be there soon. Thanks for the vids.
I found the DK necrolords is better what i expect
I was reluctant to go Night fae, but damn im glad i did. i like it a lot as a lock. not necessarily the best damage, but by farm my fav
U quit hots?
Hell yeah, Night Fae BM hunter is INSANE. The Aoe is so awesome! Loving Shadowlands so far, finally got to Torghast, possibly the content I've been most excited for for years! Can't wait
Nope! I am so happy others also missed the "can use multiple troops" thing 😀
Wonder when we would replace the HoA bc right now it’s just a huge stat stick, which is good i guess but it needs a replacement
Love your voice 😁 and posts
I was torn on which covenant for my pally, ended up going kyrian cause divine toll is so nice in dungeons/torghast. But the steward is so useless rn
Im really happy with my cov choice, went night fae as monk really happy with it so far
Nubs: "Are you happy with your Covenant choice?"
Me, still sitting in Bastion casually fishing and enjoying the scenery: "Uhh…"
Hey dude great video:). But I'm still in maldraxxus at 56 level and I have a problem. I'm a dh and I play both specs and I don't know what is the best kyrians or venthyr?
holy shit u opened my eyes i was also failing misions 😀
thanks for the mission table advice 🙂
WAIT WUT?! you can put multiple copies of the same unit in a single mission!? that was definetly not obvious
Wow thank you for the tip on using multiple troops for missions! I had no idea that's how that worked either. I assumed I would fill those bubbles in when I unlocked more followers.
So far I decided to main Enhancement Sham and go Kyrian for the Vesper Totem. However I haven't even dinged 60 yet. I am really taking my time and exploring every corner of each zone. Loving it.
I struggled too. I put two of the same troop on accident. I still don’t get what my probability of winning is supposed to be
Your progress in the time youve had is pretty dang nice! You are just avoiding the sweaty zone :p
took venthyr for my (frost) mage and night fae for my (destro) lock, and i've been enjoying the covenants quite a lot, door of shadows and the vulpin form are both very nice to have for a caster
Had same issue with the companion table, if you would not tell me, I would stay doing 1 each 😀 Thanks
I had no idea you could put multiple troops. Thanks for the tip!
I had literally no idea you could fill up the mission table. <.<
what is the name of your ui?
You can use the Item Recovery to get your off-hand back 🙂
regarding the renown, my friends reached renown 4, you will see a quest in your minions (W/E they are called now 😀 ) missions table for renown 4 so you can hit it this week!
As some others have said, night fae hunter is nuts. Love it.
Mission table got me as well, I had no idea till I used the mobile app
Just picked necrolord for my mm hunter main
No idea, i feel like an idiot myself now…..
Wait! Can you use multiple troops? Like that? OMG
I am not really having a good time, I decided to jump into the new Xpac with leveling a new toon with a friend who was returning to WoW after many years and I am stuck doing the BFA quest line over again…..
Went with night fae for the looks and lore wise I liked it better, but the teleport in my druid is also super fun, in world pvp I'm completely unstoppable
Being on Draenor Eu I’ve managed to level to 57. Seems like more of a queue simulator than a game at the moment
Holy shit. I didnt know that about the mission table
Enjoying your content more and more, your positivity always is quite infectious. Keep it up and thanks for your efforts!
I only figured out you could put multiple of the same type of Troops into the table because I accidentally did it, haha. It's not obvious at all, especially if you've been playing WoW a while and have their typical design language burned into your smooth brain.
i went Necro for SP.. i was torn.. but, im happy with it
Hahah the troop tip!! wtf thanks so much