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Shadowlands story kind of sucked but what about the Dragonflight lore? Is there enough there to actually make a compelling story? If they go the MoP route (as they stated) then there is definitely big potential there…
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no :/
didn't suck first!
The mag'har intro quest was 10/10 story telling. Can't agree in any way with the "they fucked her up" sentiment.
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main weakness was its laughable villain
– we escaped the "noone escapes" maw right in the introduction questline
– we farmed his very own tower (choregast) back and forth without him ever doing something about it
– he was on the backfoot day1. no imprisioned npc we didnt save from him.
– he wasnt able to track vinari, korthia guys, us farming the maw – even tho noone made big effort to hide from him
– the moment he gained power in the end of SoD raid all he did was let everyone live and kindly give sylvannas back her soul
and in the end when he died he even revealed he wasnt even a big deal? what comedy is this??
cant be that hard to write something else but the "big hurrdurr guy who seems to be all evil on paper but is constantly backpaddeling"
They literally made an expansion just to write off Sylvanas. They wasted hundreds of man hours just to hide one character
the story is definitely gonna be better than Shadowlands, though we dunno how much more. one thing we do know though is that Danuser is gonna have no more excuses to fall back upon, if the story is shit, he's gonna hear it.
Zovaal just didn't have that threatening aura that Deathwing or Arthas had.
My hope for Dragonflight is that the "renown" campaigns actually explain the plot. Part of what made Zovaal so bad is that we never got his motivation during the story…just "I'M EVIL!!!" So much wasted potential.
I quit playing shadowlands. Fuck blizzard.
In a single patch, Denathrius managed to have more development and to be way more interesting than Squidward Thanos.
yes there is nothing cooler then dragons.
Hell no. If you are lucky enough to still play with friends you will kinda enjoy it while it last. Enjoy while you still have ingame friends cuz lore was the last bastion to enjoy the connect pvpers,pvers, solo players, etc and Danusser and friends royally sharted worse than #AMBERTURD did on Jhonny Depp's bed.
The problem is a game without a good story means people stop when the content is repetitive. They need to spend as much in the story as much as they do in the game dev.
Blizz follow it's trend where 2 bad expansion and 1 good so we just have to hope this gonna be a good one.
short answer: No. They will not make anything better. You can already see they are stealing from other games. How are they making their own game better? Diversity hires all over, means that yet again, as always, you are hiring less qualified writers, based on other metrics than their writing. Which means, this will basically just be WoW fanfic all over again.
Why the fuck would you smoke during the video? vaping………enjoy breathing in little bits of metal
Dragonflight won’t fix the Shadowlands story, no. But hopefully they’ll have a better story for Dragonflight.
it sucked meatballs, FIRE THE WRITERS. I dont see a change in there crap plots where dragonflight is concerned. Bring Arthras back and give him power. The only thing going is pvp, smashed and being smashed is satisfying
The worst thing to me its what they did to Wrynn Crown. They turned Anduin from a hero and strong leader ( BFA ), to a joke version of Arthas, to the point where Anduin will stay apart in the next xpac.
And Varyan………the give Varian 3 sec in a video in the entire expansion. One of the best ( to me the best ) characters in Wow, just ignored. Really bad men. And for what? Sylvanas Windrunner……I wanna cry.