Shadowlands Sub Rogue OWNS So Much Fun

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Shadowlands Sub Rogue OWNS So Much Fun


14 thoughts on “Shadowlands Sub Rogue OWNS So Much Fun”

  1. a big part of sub rogue is not leaving gaps in your stuns. at 4:47 you let the maim stun fall and you get cc'ed. you should be cheaping off the stun with zero gaps. You should also look at playing resonator. Also, you should cheap the kill target, unless they are orc and then you kidney them and cheap the heals.

  2. season about end in 4 weeks and rogues still broken, maybe they will nerf them sligtly s4 but still whole season rogues are dumbbroken top tier comp with mage and priest:P Bad rmp still makes you sweat cuz they benefit so heavily from a single overlap. They should just nerf evis damage and kidney duration by like 1-2sec

  3. I like these slowmotion Explainer Videos. For me they are still too advanced though. I would need some even more basic explanations. Since newbies like me mostly only halfways know their own class it is difficult to follow what ia going on. I am also not sure if you know by animations what your mates or opponents do or if it is by seeing something being on cooldown on Gladius or so. Not sure where I can really learn the fundamentals without playing every single specc/class


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