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The Shadowlands Tanks ranked within our mythic + tier list is here! All is based on the latest warcraft logs data and boy is there stuff to talk about. So in order to do wow tanks ranked we obviously take references from our experience too within the Alpha and Beta, on top of the tanks we played on live but the gist of this shadowlands tanks comparison is looking at the damage mitigation, utility and dps output, especially for m+
You can look at this as a somewhat wow tanks pros and cons so watch the vid until the end and stick to Marcelian Online for even more wow tier list videos 🙂
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Prot pally should be s tear
disagree guardian feels very squishy because this expansion has so much magic. I would drop warrior to d tier, bump blood DK up to b, paladin up to S and guardian down to c. That being said gear will affect some of these classes more than others.
I play some time Blood on my DK i dont like it, bone shield mechanic how that spec works in M+ protection paladyn Veng DH fells much beter
Blood DK buff to bone shield coming on the 12th, 70% of strength armor for bone shield. Blizz saw your video guys
Those deer doing the dirty haha
I can only get like 2.1k dps on my veng fiery brand build 😭
Pally has 3x high end speccs.
DD Warrior Shit DD Warriror 2nd Specc Shit, Tank Warrior Shit…. gg
Is this really a question?
With Blood Dk buffs coming on the 12th, they will be MUCH Better!
I have commented in previous video that I main vengeance. I'm 196 ilvl and I have to play the fiery brand build in order to survive +2 and made me craft the occasional legendary. I don't think that vengeance has that defensive management like blood dk has you press meta or demon spikes and then you wish your healer and self healing to crit. My point is that other tanks even dh's are timing +10s and I was wondering if there are any tricks I need watch out for.
What country are you guys from? I can hear a little accent
Easy way to buff prot pal while playing into the idea of stalwart defender, just increase the damage reduction granted by cons. Since we are immobile reward us for standing still. Prob need to be increased by 50% honestly, we are super squish
what userinterface is this looks nice (in the dk part)
Prot warrior's rage generation is pretty lackluster and the mitigation spells use too much rage, might get better with more haste but I'm not counting on it, it probably needs a rework on thunder clap and maybe lower cd in spell reflection for the heavy magic damage.
I think this list is spot on. Although I could see prot warrior being higher than blood (maybe not with the buff to blood now) and prot paladin being slightly undervalued as they can be pretty tanky with CD's and thus make very big pulls (but you also need MD or dmg CD's to get aggro).
bro puts a video of prot warrior dying while saying its good man has jokes lol
but everyone wants a geard, experienced V DH over anything else!
We are getting a few comments and this time Flame takes it upon himself to apologize for not including the logs we used for the tier list which can be found here:
Note that these may change with the new buffs going around, but still a good source of info for some perspective and point of reference!
Great vid as always guys! I main Warr and DK as tank, and the first thing i always say when i stream or get asked on groups, even if you have a top tank, it all rests on your gameplay! That said port warr is not that weak, it depends on the talents and trincs a lot, and with a decent healer you can do fine; with dk, i still havent created my lego, but at 178 was tanking the raid on normal without problem. Main issue as BDK is dmg because is already tanky
i know WoW is a fantasy game, but the fact, that the best tanks wear leather, and don't wear a fur is just so odd 😅 the plate tanks with shield are squishier than the leather dudes 😝
I dont need a bell I keep your youtube on my home apps when I open chrome lol
I just got into tanking cos my guild need one. n vengance it is just amazing to play!!! keep doing this amazing content!!!!
when are you gonna do a vangeance guide
we need more than six tanks
Let me guess before I watch the video, Monks
unsubscribed cuz couldnt get into groups as Warrior Arms nor protection
Devine Toll on my prot paly in one of my fav all time abilities
I didn't realize what was on Flame's sweater until the end of Prot Warrior's segment. Awesome sweater, man!
My Pala tank buddy, takes no damage, does 2-3k dps overall. can interrupt spells 3 diffrent ways. Me blood dk having almost same tank gear, eat heavy strikes, going under 5 boneshields almost kills me, all healers nearly hearthattack at least every second group i runn into. oh and i do overall dps of 1.2-1.6k because i try my hardest to stay alive.
Flames, love the sweater <3.
Not checking the end, not checking logs but I'll say…
Demonhunter and Paladin
Warrior and Druid
I'm leveling a pala after I lost in DPS against a prot pala that was ilvl 180 with my 191 blood DK
Really stinks how capped we are as DK, 5 targets? like jee, the shield alone does more damage than all of our kit. They really need to buff DK, make Rune Tap work lik Will of the Necropolis (a damage reduction that behaves like an absorb, so it doesn't reduce the healing from death strike), uncap heart strike damage (not runic power, that is good already) or maybe give it some AoE with runic power? yes bone storm but that's once every minute, nooowhere near vengeance or prot pala levels of aoe dmg
Got both DK and DH. The latest makes my blood DK feel like a nightmare to tank. Bone shield goes down to easily on big pulls and it always feels like you don’t have enough runes to keep it up and do dmg at the same time.
Feels always on the edge.
On the other hand DH feels so strong and mobile.
I like my DK but it’s frustrating to play it as tank
buffs and balance patches are so rare, i think playing flavor of the month could hold up tough. Its been a while since they buffed blood dk with some arbitrary numbers on their abilitys as if they got no clue wich i am sure of, they dont.
Wich makes me kinda mad, playing a bad class just because i like the lore of my class. I just happaned to be competitive too, who knew shadowlands would be so much to my liking but i want fair playing field for everyone. I hate the feeling of unfairness.
As someone who’s only played DPS, I’d love a transition guide to healer or tank – if more people were comfortable in those roles, maybe we’d get some better queues. I’d be down to try tanking but don’t want ruin everything for everyone around me