Shadowlands Top 10 Double DPS 2v2 Arena Compositions

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Shadowlands Top 10 Double DPS 2v2 Arena Compositions


36 thoughts on “Shadowlands Top 10 Double DPS 2v2 Arena Compositions”

  1. Great work, Sid. I hope we keep hearing from you regularly once the expansion is fully underway. Give us arena match breakdowns, spec/comp specific videos, "a PvP'er does PvE" M+ runs, etc.

  2. How about Uh DK / shadow priest. It is a great comp. Both classes can survieve for a long time, ofc both are doing alot of dmg and if shit hits the fan, both classes can peel. + DK gives +8%spell dmg aura for priest, so i could bet, that uh dk/ shadow priest could beat allmost all comps in this video. Any way, good job and keep it up buddy.

  3. It's interesting people praise shadowpriest so much. It's gotta be real different in arenas because in BG's it doesn't feel powerful at all. I am of course only speaking about prepatch so far though

  4. MAybe someone can help or u Supatease can help.

    Me and my mate wanna play only pvp bgs and arena. He is choosing between spriest and mm and i choose between ww and rogue. Both options are very fun to play for us ( so pls dont write play what is more fun for u xD ) what should we pick is ww playable with mm or spriest ?

    Thx for help


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