Shadowlands Torghast Guide: Is WoW Actually Fun Again??

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Hey guys welcome to this weeks Torghast Guide! This is for the new players/ those returning to WoW not quiet knowing what Torghast offers or how you even do it. Don’t forget to hit that like and sub button for the WoW token giveaway at 500 subs!

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Torghast is an endlessly replayable, ever-changing dungeon that can be challenged alone or in a group. Each run will differ, and adventurers will need to explore cautiously, as death comes at a terrible cost. Advance through Torghast’s unpredictable challenges to unlock anima powers to enhance damage output or survivability. The goal is Soul Ash, used to craft the legendary weapons and armor that will help restore balance to the Shadowlands.A normal Torghast run is comprised of six floors, with increasingly powerful enemies on higher floors.

Found or dropped anima cells unlock anima powers, which can drastically change how runs are played out, by unlocking some temporary abilities.

Souls can be freed, and will stack an untimed +1% primary stat (agility/intellect/stamina) buff for the duration of the run.

Friendly NPCs will offer optional side quests near the beginning of a floor, asking players to find another friendly NPC or an object near the end of a floor, or kill a specific enemy, and will award an anima cache on completion.

Treasure chests can occasionally be found, and will need to be opened with three keys found elsewhere in the floor, or via solving lever puzzles.


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