Shadowlands Unholy DK Beginner Guide 9.0

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Everything you need to know as a new Unholy Death Knight!

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Shoutout to DaskeDK for providing the thumbnail art.

00:00 Introduction
01:00 Covenant Choice
01:46 Talents
02:40 Rotation
05:50 Stats
06:47 Enhancements
08:21 Conduits
09:00 Legendaries
09:39 Outro


31 thoughts on “Shadowlands Unholy DK Beginner Guide 9.0”

  1. saw a lot of racial sims, but all were different :S is orc really 2,3% better than blood elf? oO and when i go Venthyr will Necro dudes out dps me? wanna go for top logs in raid thats why i choose Necro, but i thinking about to change to Venthyr cause of the style and wanna tank some dungeons :S idk this decisions uff xD

  2. I'm in the minority when picking "harbinger of doom" my logic is that the 10% chance of RC for a wound pop with the cost of 1 rune is basically just a scourge strike for free with a chance. Harbinger of doom however increase the chance of the free DC and using that free DC also has a chance to activate RC. That mean you get free DC + RC while the one you picked cost 1 rune with a chance of RC. Of course the % of sudden doom depend on auto-attack & haste but that is a stat that most UHDK should focus. Str, Haste and Mastery imo.

  3. I came from dh in bfa to uh dk in Sl and damn it makes so fucking much fun to play it ….only downside is the missing mobility as a dh player but yeah ty for your guides on wowhesd it helped me alot 😀

  4. This man has helped me from contemplating returning to wow to absolutely dominating the dps by ~30% in every heroic and mythic this week.

    I salute you. Keep up the excellent work. Cheers 🍻

  5. Hey man, i was wondering, since both Deadliest Coil and Frenzied Monstrosity drop from content that isn't out yet, do you have any other viable option you would suggest trying farm? I wish to get to the raid as prepeared as possible

  6. Any chance you plan on doing mythic+ guides? Like when to use CDs on which packs or even something like tips for parts of the dungeon? Id love to know for instance which bosses/mechanics i can ignore/negate

  7. Hi @Bicepspump will you make a video for frost vs unholy for pve. Im playing frost atm but most of players playing uh i guess . Is uh better for pve? And i picked kyrian for frost , if i want to change my spec to unholy , should i change covenant also?

  8. Awesome guide. I got confused about the ignore festering strike while in DaD and just spamm scourge strike. Is that while specced for single target or also when aoe specced with the extra dmg on wound?


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