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Hi guys, today I’m bringing you through a +14 Sanguine Depths I did the other day. Content is taken from my twitch stream!
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How great would it be if he made it for every dungeon? Idk about keys you can do an easy 10 i want to see when to use army cause i always pussy out and use it on boss only
What a beast omg! i hope one day i can be like you
Please man do more videos like this ❤️
what addon is he using to view the threat % on enemy name plates?
Good run! I ran SD14 yesterday and we struggled to finish in time. I noticed a few spots where we played differently, and your DnD aoe window setup is some thing i have to learn how to do.
I also need to use my army more. Frequently between Bosses as well.
Please, more of these unholy death knight dungeons on high mythic keys. I find them extremely helpful. Just subscribed too!!
This is really useful thank you!
It would probably be better if you make post commentary. You don't have to talk for the whole video. Just have music and make comments whenever you feel it is appropriate.
Also a breakdown of important encounters would be useful
I learned so much from watching this video, please continue to make live gameplay videos as well as videos that you have been making previously. You're guides are fantastic!
I love these kinda videos. Gives me a little more insight on what i can do better in M+ as Im struggling myself with DPS in M+
You can use ams to prevent dread bindings from being cast on you from overseer
Is that a dps addon? If so whats it called?
Amazing! One thing, how do you do to see the virulent plague and wonds in the left of the screen, i asume its elvui but i dont find that option. Ty
Awesome video. As someone who has started to main Unholy DK it was great to see the rotation and thought process happen organically in that environment.
What Weakaura/Addon set up are you utilizing? I really like the DT and DnD action timers.
Very helpful for me, great content man! Excellent video.
Since a few people have asked, here's my WA kit I use:
Someone might have already mentioned this but it would be nice to see a quick overview of gear and talents before you start so we can see if there are anything diffrent depending on what instance you are running and when I try to sim and from when i've been playing i find that bursting gives me more overall dps than blight but that might be that i'm playing wrong, what do you think?
Did you use Frenzy or deadloest coil as Legendary ?
DK Is the most boring character on this expansion lol
Great video bud, thanks 🙂
I love it and would like to see more m+ runs. Keep it up!!!
Thanks for the upload! Do you think we could also get a video for tyrannical week since it is a different talent build?
Didnt see a lot of Soul Reaper hehe 🙂
Maybe do a voice over next time explaining what you are doing and why.
Hello? Just wanna ask one thing.
Should i use deadliest coil + eternal hunger or deadliest coil + convacation of the dead in raid situation?
Thanks for uploading gameplay I just got into wow and I learned a lot from this. What addon do you use for the timer of boss attacks?
Love the vids Bicep, more content like this!