Shadowlands Week 17: What To Expect

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Just a few quick reminders to help you stay up to date this week in Shadowlands!

Soul’s Morning Stream – 830AM Tuesday through Thursday
Raid Streams – 7PM Tuesdays and Thursdays

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29 thoughts on “Shadowlands Week 17: What To Expect”

  1. Tanks are extremely valuable in epic bgs and south shore. They are great for defending key points like flag caps in AV and IoC . Also as a tank your job is to be in front leading the push in large fights and the knock back that pallys and warriors have can be used with great effect to zerg into the other side pushing over them disrupting casters and at some key points knocking ppl over ledges

    Also a pally tank can do a lot of aoe team heals with Luminescence pvp talent which is a must if you run epic bgs. Tanks have it a lot better than most dps melee in the large fights and need to understand their role is to lead the push and disrupt enemy groups and not thinking as a dps and wanting to burn down enemy players.

  2. What to expect in week 17: you have lost all and any hope of having even a shred of fun outside of pvp around week 6 and finally realized its probably worth turning off sub around week 10 but still haven't done it.

    Maybe by week 31 9.1 will give me 3 weeks of enjoyment and maybe I'll have it in me to just not give a shit to come back.

    (I want to care, and I really enjoy your videos and perspective still watching)

  3. Hey Soul,
    you and Preach have given me the final push to do, what I probably should have done 1 month or so ago: uninstall the game.
    It feels like a relieve to be honest and still allows me to do, what I love most about the game: overanalyzing and doing wild what-ifs on the class designs.

    Please keep your good work up, even when the view count might dwindle over the next ~5 months until 9.1

  4. Still of the opinion that blizzard really wanted people to play 4x of the same class this expansion. Meaning 4xpaladins for each covenant. The prepatch to SLs was meant to facilitate the leveling up and the framework is there in Shadowlands for alt-friendliness. However they communicated this really poorly to players and then spreadsheet Shawn came in bolstered the numbers on all of the currency requirements to boost "player engagement".

    This expansion has very much the feeling of multiple captains at the helm pulling different ways.

    Edit: I feel like im one of the few people that plays multiple of the same class but this even reflected in your legendary memory unlocks. Once you have a class legendary memory you have it on every character.


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