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It’s week 2 of Shadowlands and all is well, or is it? While many are happily enjoying what WoW’s latest expansion has to offer, others have fallen back to the usual habits when it comes to grouping while embracing the toxicity that risks alienating fellow players.
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Torghast is boring as hell, so is the maw, so…yea, not liking SL so far.
Shoulda just been a currency for leggos
UI PLZ that prot ui looks sick!
I. Don't like the term toxicity, but the garbage talked in chat and general shity behavour certainly played a part in me quiting it got tiresome
I've done everything possible at this point. Shadowlands is a strong 9.5/10 so far. Breakdown:
Class design: 10/10 – I'm playing a shaman, paladin and priest. Absolutely amazing class design on all 3x of them on all 3x of their specs.
Zones and Leveling: 9/10 – I've taken 0.5 points for blizzard making it so that the story quests aren't enough alone to level you up to 60, I had to do a couple side quests and dungeons per each zone and Maldraxxus is a big weaker(8.5/10), still excellent though, the rest of the zones are 10/10. The main story is great, so are the zone stories, though the Night Faie storyline isn't my thing.
The Maw: 8.5/10 – Very solid, nice end zone experience with a cool mechanic and nice and chill, but nicely replayable quests/activities.
Torghast: 9/10 – Absolutely great, love it, wish there was a proper boss/elite for the end of each floor to make it perfect, instead of a slightly stronger regular enemy.
World Quests and Callouts: 9/10 – Great as always, if anything I enjoy them more than BFA and Legion's world quests and emissaries. Weekly PVP and Dungeon quests are awesome.
Conveants: 10/10 – everything about them is perfect so far, the progression, the farm, the renown system, the abilities, everything.
Dungeons: 10+/10 – with the exception of Plaguefall, all dungeons are 10-10+/10, Plaguefall is an 8/10. The Oder Side, Spires of Ascension, Theater of Pain, Halls of Atonement and Sanguine Depths are just 10+/10 the final bosses are like proper 5 man raiding bosses and even a couple other bosses are close to that as well. The rest are a 10/10.
PVP: 9/10 – for the first time since WoD the PVP is great again, absolutely loving it, not enough experience in it so far, but for as much as I've played it's amazing again.
Professions: 10/10 – I love the professions in Shadowlands, really well-paced progression and very well-paced gearing from them.
Gearing: 9/10 – I love it M+ will finally cap below Heroic raid ilvl and it won't give as much gear, so I don't have to spam it as much to keep up, but I still want LFR gear to be the same ilvl as Heroic Dungeons, but drop Epics/Purples instead of Rares/Blues and of course different items and soon sets.
And I don't like that M0 gives you lower ilvl than LFR, like wth. Also I really wish Normal and Heroic Raid became the same ilvl as well, just don't think these two difficulties are worth the ilvl difference or in general being two difficulties. Heroic should be a hard mode that can get you cosmetics, pets, toys that Normal can't, plus achievements and maybe guaranteed gem slots and stronger trinket effects at the same ilvl.
The only thing that remains for us to see is the Raid. If it's great, this will be the best expansion at launch since Cata or WoD. 9.0 is awesome!
0:45 i didn't come here to get called out less than a minute in T_T
I feel what you mean about this cycle of toxicity, unfortunately i watched it happen in a place i believed was safe until then. Feels like there is no learning the encounters with your friends, it's just a 'have the knowledge and optimize or you're out, you are replaceable' mood all the time.
Also, I love the fact that you go blind in the raid, I miss those days pre-4.3 where we'd just go in blind and learn from there. My guild does it too. And wiping is what makes it fun, otherwise, we wouldn't need anything above MoP/WoD LFR.
I drop the necrotic wake after the second boss, do you know the drop rate of the legendary? 0.07 I can't waste time…is not ok i know, and it sucks.
Zero toxicity spotted, great 2 weeks behind!
I love the way you do things when it comes to going into new content…. Im the same way,… I'd much rather learn it on my own without any sort of help, its a lot more fun learning with others than just knowing and blowing through the content… I wish more people had this mindset, it's so much more fun learning the fights etc without prior knowledge.
Why would people want master ninja looters back? Worst part of wow ever.
im liking SL so far,doing dungeons with a guild really helps not run into the absolute dregs of humanity that leave the group, get a premade if you are going to do that,dont waste queued dungeon peoples time,it's especially bad if its a tank or healer
I love when people want full mythic groups to do mythics like bitch I’m 15 ilvl below people and doing more dps
The system is the problem not the players, on some forums I see retards saying group leavers should be banned, idiots.
I left groups when my legendary didnt drop, but only on heroic and as a dps.
It took me 30+ tries . If i didnt leave it would've taken me 5/6 hours more. If they made it drop from the end of dungeon I'd have been fine but they would need to up the Drop rate.
soul just said he does blind raids in WoW!?!?!??! your my hero,if i hear that you do them without add ons next YOUR A GOD AMONG MEN!
I've been playing since nearly the beginning of WOW. When I first started playing I did try groups and raids and found some helpful leaders, but in the last few years I have cringed anytime I need to do a required dungeon quest. The divide between people that play and immediately get all the game mechanics that look down on those of others and those that are more casual but dedicated looking for fun players has gotten much wider in my opinion. I still enjoy playing solo but do wish there were more fun regular players that really do try without the perfection shaming.
Laughed a bit too much at your opening message since that is exactly what I was doing. Waiting for my mission table
Toxicity in my guild with 2 groups that only allow their people. Sad
He must be referring to the Plaguefall dungeon
This is pretty standard fair, honestly the "toxicity" is less than it normally is cause the xpacs all around pretty great. You're seeing a problem where there isn't one and ruining the game for yourself.
Probably 70% greatness and 30% toxicity in my experience. Not to sound like a sensitive Nancy, but you can have a day of fun dungeons negated by one extremely negative or toxic person in a run. I just came back after 12 years gone – I can imagine how much of a turn off toxicity must be for brand new players.