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Week nine of Shadowlands finally lets the Venthyr join the club, expanded Raid Finder goodness and more!
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Raid Streams – 7PM Tuesdays and Thursdays
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Leveling alts d'uh :p
I hope you keep doing these as it's nice to double check on what we have to do this week. I know next few weeks may be a bit repetitve, but I wouldn't stop doing them (unless it takes too much of your time) since once new patch arrives, I'm sure these guides will come in handy even more 🙂
I have to admit that the more I do thorgast and the maw the less I wanna do it :/
Yes 2nd potency slot finally!
I thought they nerfed the TW raid loot ilvl?
tbh the pun at the start just made me snort like a pig from waycrest manor
I don't need souls I need anima….
ZUG ZUG /train
dont stop…i like this each week
Shadowlands is boring more then wod
only 2 renown? that confirmed or just a guess cause the campaign is over? 40 is gonna take forever if its right lol
Wait so you upgrade your covenant gear even more now?
25k anima for a….transmog?!? Looooorrrrrrd petruli!
Appreciate your videos tbh, gives me a better picture of what alts to work on
Guide: open up the vault then do the 4 mythics then log off
What’s your floating combat damage add on?
Sludgefist lfr – shudders
I was actually thinking that @ start of video….
Short and sweet with the bonus dulcet tones of Soul.
Wow has no brain
is it me or is your paladin transmogs getting sexier and sexier every week sweat drops bastion's secret vibes
Really like these what to expect videos
Thank you for making them!
As a new player these have been dummy helpful each week. Finally got around to subbin, ty dood
I'm a Necrolord Unholy DK and all I want is my damn bone wings!!!! /cry
Hey Breezy! What kinda illusion is that on your weapon that turns it sorta translucent? Thought it might be wraithchill, but it doesn't have a green/blue hue to it, so I dunno…
Do you all have some more of that…
lort this timegating
Wait why is renown only going up by 2 this week. Da heck
Anyone else sick of getting legendaries and anima over gear? seriously.
These weekly roundups are extremely helpful
this game takes way too much time to do anything it is all about rep and the long long long grind it got tired of playing ti it was t way too redundant just boring as hell unless you can live on it it is a waste of time it sucks now i have played since vanilla and now i am ready just throw the towel in why even bother you can never accomplish crap unless you can stay on this game 24 hours a day 7 days a week the competition to do this crap is just miserable as far as i am concerned i got screwed out of my money for this expansion such a loss 🙁
Soooo, all I heard was LESS renowned per week, when you'd figure it would go UP the further it goes… fml
Thanks for being straight to the point and consice.
44 level and completely overwhelmed by everything so I'm just doing quests till I can go to shadowlands.