Shadowlands You Need To Main a Hunter

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Shadowlands You Need To Main a Hunter


20 thoughts on “Shadowlands You Need To Main a Hunter”

  1. I legit just started gearing my newly picked up balance druid because I just couldn´t resist your enthusiasm… now you hype me to get back to my favorite alt class… stop feeding my altoholicism!
    On a side note as usual really awesome content.

  2. As a hunter main i disagree, is it fun in 2s, YES it is. You can play with holy, rdruid, feral, ret or rogue and you will do very well even with low equip and conduits are not gamechaning.
    BUT the problem comes with the counterplay to traps.
    Whether it's almost instant massdispell, warlock dispells, ret dispell(on your stun to set up the trap and after on the trap), reverse magic from dh, lifegrip or simply some microstutter.
    The most fruriating thing about this is when it's rng dependent, for example covering your trap with mark for death or roots and then losing a 50/50 to warlock/retdispell.
    Your options in 3s are also pretty limited, PHP/jungle/KFC (maybe shadow, maybe some oneshot build with blessing of summer) cause your groupsupport is very limited.

  3. Venthyr mm is my favorite by far just so much damage with the kill and aimed shot procs also explosive shot and double tap rapid fire but I just wish it had the same stun as BM and Surv but then again it would probably be too strong if it did

  4. For me this game is most fun when I can compete with other players on a resonably even playfield. Nobody wants to play arena with me because my gear sucks so I am stuck at dooing BGs. And when you get hit with a 35 k aimed shot in a BG thats when you realice that this game is not fun anymore.

  5. Hey SupaTease!

    Just wanted to tell you I've noticed how much energy you're putting into these videos lately, and I think it's paying off big time. The content is fun and exciting, and you're commentary is engaging.

    I feel like you set a goal to really go hard on your channel, and you're doing it man!


  6. do you think hunter will get nerfed for 9.2 due to everyone knowing they are over tuned? Also I see that FROST mage is coming up and is not a class I would suspect to get nerfed going into 9.2/ let me know your thoughts. Thanks

  7. every battleground i play theres about 10 hunters running around

    not gonna lie, that was really smart of blizzard to buff the fuck out of them at the same time they made the 60 boost available. i bet they made a million dollars of these geeks buying a hunter boost

  8. i just kinda wish they would take other forms of pvp into consideration when balancing (lol balancing)

    like yeah u can see a MM hunters dmg coming in an arena.. u know hes there and ur team hasnt done anything yet.

    but in random BGS…. u r occupied in a team fight and then all of a sudden a guy who is invisible and 65 yards away hits you for 55k in 1 second.

    like wut

    aimed shot is like gpie on crack and roids times 10


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