SHADOWS BENEATH | Zepla reacts to the War Within OFFICIAL Cinematic [World of Warcraft]

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18 thoughts on “SHADOWS BENEATH | Zepla reacts to the War Within OFFICIAL Cinematic [World of Warcraft]”

  1. Feel like the build up was the reveal of the o my piece left of a old god that we know of. That tentacle and claw hanging in front the spider at the end was from an old god.

  2. There must be some arrangement between the team that makes the trailers and the team that makes the game where the trailer team are the only ones allowed to use the textures that don't look like a smudge.

  3. Is… is this meant as satire? She thinks that Cinematic was good? Kay…
    Not to mention the mess the game is right now, but sure… great cgi. Looks like a lot of money was spent on it. Definitely more than they spend for the game.😅

  4. To be honest, I'm wondering if you're saying it's good just to have a different opinion from the majority. Have you seen the comments under the official video? xD
    The cinematic is absolutely terrible on multiple levels. Just because they use expensive animations doesn't mean the quality is good. If that were the case, Disney would be doing a lot better than it has in recent years.

  5. Derailed Exclusivity and Intrusion have overtaken WoW. Lothar’s distant blak African woman of color was not warranted, not needed and the Squared Jaw on Xal'atath makes mine round in comparison. Guess I’m skipping. If playing some real gay sht, I’d just play FF14

  6. Its insane how ppl really think all cinematics have to be bombastic explosion every 30 seconds nowadays. LMAO. This cinematic was simply a showcase cinematic showing the characters more directly involved in the TWW campaign. I thought it was great. Im still hoping to get some cinematics like the Saurfang ones from BFA, the storytelling cinematics. And I think we gonna get them because these showcase cinematics always use scenes made for other, bigger stuff in-game. Anyhow, the music REALLY SLAPS! Cant way to get my hands at the soundtrack for TWW.


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