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“Song of the Vale”
Lyrics by Blizzard Entertainment, from a quest item found in the Jade Forest
Arranged and performed by Sharm
Footage from World Of Warcraft: Mists Of Pandaria
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#sharmsong #mistsofpandaria #remix #dndmusic #fantasymusic #jadeforest #songofthevale #SongOfTheVale
Oh look a new song i can play everytime i travel.
As always Sharm, your wonderous music never fails to put a smile on my face and lift my spirits with how beautiful it is. Thank you for giving us the gift of your amazing talent.
I don't catch your videos often, but I remember when I was 13 or 14 (32 now, lol) playing WoW and discovered your songs and they were so cool. You got me and my friends so hyped with your WoW music. We'd talk about all of your songs and listen to them while we played. I especially loved when you and Nyhm collabed. Ah, the nostalgia hits so hard. <3 your stuff.
Peak expansion. Thank you for doing this.
glad to see ur still making content. never let the old youtube die xd
A beautiful expansion coupled with a beautiful voice ❤
In honor of national dinosaur day could you make a song about world of warcraft dinosaurs this month ? PLEASE and thank you
I enjoyed it an could imagine you reading two to three chapters of lord of the rings and singing fantastically to it, but i find this song and video needed multiple sections of silence to sound better, as if it fit the slow movements of the pandas it just needed a bit more spacing at the end of each verse, but fantastic voice as always and props to the composer.
can we get a cataclysm one? for cata classic?
A song to find peace. ❤️
You're amazing🤩🥰 Thanks so much Sharm💞Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!