Shattered Legacies Cinematic Reaction | Shadowlands Cinematic In-Game World of Warcraft

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16 thoughts on “Shattered Legacies Cinematic Reaction | Shadowlands Cinematic In-Game World of Warcraft”

  1. …we all have that duality within us but that's another conversation…awesome cinematic…and they always leave you wanting more…and yes, shes beautiful and that stylized artwork is amazing…cant wait for more…

  2. I don't think Sylvanas was ever "controlled" once her banshee form was freed from Arthas' control – I think they are saying the Sylvanas pre-SL was the banshee that was vengeful, full of rage, unable to feel empathy, and that her other half that was split by the magic of Frostmourne, the "ranger general", was the property of the Jailer and he forced her to watch all of the things banshee Sylvanas did. Those two halves are now joined and we will see what happens – pretty cool imo.

  3. "when the ranger returns, the banshee will perish." is what I've been saying for years now and when Shadowlands trailer dropped I knew she'd become whole again by the end of it. i just hope it ends well because so many hate her now and the way the people of azeroth historically react to things is not a way that is willing to look at things from a different perspective.. so forgiveness seems like it isn't going to come easy.
    I would rather Blizz make it so the banshee and the ranger have an internal struggle with each other before rejoining as one though cause i feel like that would make sense.. like instantly becoming whole after so long of being the banshee would be way too easy and the banshee might not go without a fight because as seen in this cinematic they had some severe disagreements.. or maybe they'll stay separate kinda like the incredible hulk and bruce banner xD
    I guess we'll see.. I'm certainly EXCITED !

  4. When she was first raised as a banshee and until she freed herself from the Lich King's control she was controlled. But when Arthas killed her with frostmourne a piece of her soul (the ranger general) was broken off and kept by the Jailer as basically an insurance policy. Him being the evil jerk he is he made it so if that piece was given back (when he did at the end of the raid) she would be forced to relive all the horrible things she did as Banshee Queen Sylvanas and would torture her so much she'd never accept that part of herself and thus reunify her soul. Her waking up was confirmation that despite knowing and accepting that what she did was unforgivable and she'll eventually have to face consequences for them, she chose to reunite the divided pieces and become whole again.


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