Should Gear Score be allowed in World of Warcraft Season of Discovery?

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Should Gear Score be allowed in World of Warcraft Season of Discovery? #twitchclips #gamer #gamingvideos #gaming #gamingcommunity #game #warcraft #mmorpg #worldofwarcraft #openworldgames #worldofwarcraftclassic


9 thoughts on “Should Gear Score be allowed in World of Warcraft Season of Discovery?”

  1. They should make a “player rating” where people rank how much they enjoyed playing with you.
    It would really encourage people to be more helpful and respectful.
    In the original WOW, your reputation actually mattered. If you were rude or bad people would black list you.
    Dungeon finder encourages the worst in people because they know they probably won’t see you again. But if your reputation actually mattered then people wouldn’t be negative toward each other.

  2. I want to know a bar that i can reach and be ready to participate in endgame content. I dont want everyone to advertise lfg with "above 2k gs" when you need more than preraid bis to be 2k. And theyre not even for raids, but 5 level lower dungeons….. its stupid

  3. I mythic raid and have 3k io on retail, but logging, parsing, and looking for gearscore on SoD is the silliest thing I’ve heard. I feel like people are taking the fun out of the experience to put up artificial barriers that really don’t need to be there. SoD is not hard and to think you wouldn’t get invited to a group because of parses and your lvl 25 gearscore in CLASSIC is kinda ridiculous.


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