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It’s time to embrace your inner geek and let the weekend begin with Jesse, @DexterityBonus and their first guest JoeFudge! Join them as they dive into all things geek and take you on an unforgettable podcast journey. We’re talking D&D, American Arcadia, Dinosaucers, and …Bluey?? Don’t miss out, subscribe now and join the Geekenders!
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Animated Intro by: JulesDrawz
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Woke up from a fever dream lol
Had the exact same thing. Saw Blizzcon, went back for the new patch. Did one questline and logged out.
This podcast is the 2nd coming of the co-optional podcast
The urge to go back is strong. I got out right at the tail end of WFD. Wrath of the Lich King will still be the best expansion. Not only is it the one and only time they ever did a level locked special class but the story was epic and still tied into the classic Warcraft games. I feel like since they haven’t had anything to work with outside of their own minor narratives the world just got too narrow in scope.
I mean you have gone to space and DIDN’T have the players fight anyone from StarCraft? Just as a one off? Come on.
I play regular wow classic and I haven't had this much fun in years. Retail just doesn't do it for me anymore. It's exactly like he said there's too many weekly grinds. Not to mention time walking literally made the open world dead. Bye bye questing at low levels. Warmode killed wpvp. And to top it off the story has gone to absolute shit. It's just bad. The game tells you where to go and rushes you to max level and a certain new zone. Meanwhile on classic azeroth is full of people on every map. Wpvp is constant and fun. It FEELS like warcraft. Retail doesn't….
Yup. I might see what the mobile game is like though
Currently level 66 in WotLK Classic. 🤣
There's no daily grind now thought
Mine was ff11 lived there for 11 years straight. Then went back twice for the memories. Probably do it again.
WoW is the Fetanyl of gaming.
Awe. So is Jesse still out?
Yup… played for like… 10-12 years yup… never going back.
we're all a bunch of heroine addicts.
blizzard is all marketing, no execution. lots of cool promises, that most likely will not be kept or badly executed.
That's exactly my relationship with wow. I see someone play it and it makes me wanna play. Then I play for 10 minutes and get bored lol.
Give me a recent blizzard product that wasn't a dissapointment or just more of the same? As long as the same people are in charge everything will inevitably end up being the same. I never thought i would reach this point but I never had any urge to buy the current expansion, ive watched no cinematics and havent watched a single trailer or announcement video. Because I know thats where all the dressing is and the game itself never lives up to the hype they try to give it.
They trying did hard to n nostalgia hook us back ann fomo us at the same time. Look through the deception
Is like other mmo ive played but specially the old republic, even ive been tempted to pay the monthly fee but im not willing to give almost 20 bucks or whatever the price is to just play a few hours to grind. I like the game, but i ended up with spending too much time to complete the stories it had, i died i was spawned miles away in maps that are so huge. And i dont have that time to just waste because i got shit to do, and work.
Same as elite dangerous, not a bad game, but i wanted to explore the outer regions but getting a faster ship was also a grind fest to get it, and the only thin i wanted to do was for the hell of it was to go to a star that i dont know if it was a graphical glitch in the map but i set that as my personal mission.
Even so those games arent bad but the amount of time i have to spend to enjoy the basics of a game is sometimes not worth it.
Omg who let this chick out of the kitchen. Adds absolutely nothing to the conversation
he ain't wrong.
Jesse just barely resisted the siren song
I did thwt with runescape a bit ago. Nope im out. I have work to do. Cant be spending 4 hours a night cutting wood.
Ever since Shadowlands I am dobe with Blizzard and I aint planning to return anytime soon. How many times do a company have to fuck before you leave?
Did it for 15 years. Left wow shortly after the 15fh anniversary. Tried going back 2 times and couldn't play more than a couple days b4 hating it.
I’m there right now. I left after the first patch of Pandaria, came back for the end of BFA, then the first patch of Shadowlands. Now my brother wants me to come back for this latest Dragonflight patch. Idk….
Bro almost relapsed
They got me. I'm terribly hyped for season of discovery. And…I'm bringing a friend oh nooooo
Man anything with dailies and weeklies and shit is just too much.
I love how GW2 approaches this. There is an insane amount of daily activities, more than you have time to complete within a day, but none of it feels mandatory. You pick the ones you want to grind, or none at all and skip all dailies, and you don’t miss out on anything. If you want to be super efficient then yeah you need a daily schedule but because there’s no item level grind, there’s no need to be efficient.
And like you can quit for a year, come back, and your character is just as strong and is ready to jump straight into the new endgame content. There’s no pressure to do anything
The thought of returning to Warcraft honestly scares me.
Then about two and a half years ago (if I remember how long ago it was), they lost about half of their playerbase from the players having enough of Blizzard's BS, and a lot of them switched to FF14.
I actually talked to some of them before in the game (I started about a month before the Great Migration, as I call it), and they all much preferred 14 than WoW. Better gameplay, better community (with multiple awards!), and a person in charge of the game that actually cares for it other than it making money.
Also Yoshi P HATES microtransactions with a PASSION. That helps a LOT.
I have taken breaks for a few expansion, then come back, played for a few exps, then taken a break again.
Let’s go!! I love seeing Jesse cox uploading shorts
They made a chore out of the game
Its not fun
Remember when Blizzard made like one game every 5 years? The good ole’ days lmao
WoW gamer: I am tired of this grind and this whole game. I quit.
WoW: 1 good news.
WoW gamer: inject the game into my veins!!!!!
I kinda just apply the yoshi-p philosophy, i take a break, i come back when theres more story to play ( so long as im actually having fun.) i ditched the vast majority of shadowlands, but dragonflight has been a signifigant improvement….though it does have its flaws as well XD
wow is just a dead game now and bizz not going to let it die selling people mounts make them way to much money good sheeps they have
i feel like its too overwhelming, thats why i play classic wow and not current
in my opinion, that's all Retail feels like nowadays. just things that make you go "oh, cool! i wanna play!", and then you do it and it ends up being the same as the last thing. from up to BfA i used to play it nonstop, but then the systems got updated that told me to either not play all the time, or to make multiple toons and experience the exact same thing repeatedly, and when they change something it ends up feeling the same sooner and sooner…
this is why i'm hopeful for SoD, though at a base value nothing is changed they are making new things happen with the Rune system. it (might) be interesting to get a Warlock to tank in a dungeon or a Hunter doing a bit more melee than currently, so maybe this will last longer than my Retail kicks.
I mean the devs did say how they are definitely working towards the mindset of respecting players time I mean things like the weekly vault, the tier catalyst are things that Im sure old devs would have said never in a million years. Also warbands while it might be old news for a lot of other games its something that for sure at last blizzcon in 2019 they said no never gonna happen it doesn’t make sense that a faction would like your alt when your main is exalted those are two different people. Not trying to convince anyone to play spend your time doing what makes you happy but i would caution against always having the mindset of “blizzard bad” because you might miss out on some cool stuff.
games fine if your giga casual. if you want end game high m+ or CE raiding its just toxic, drama-filled, time wasting crap. the last guild i was in broke me finally to quit for good when in the same week i was made raider from trial i was sat for more trials on sarkareth mid prog.