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This video discusses the new Shrouded Affix for Shadowlands Season 4, which affects all Mythic+ keys Level 10 and higher. Dreadlords have snuck into all the dungeons, and brokers are there to make a deal with us regarding their capture.
Shiba Merch is a thing now! –
All of my WeakAuras I made for my personal UI:
But wait, there’s more!
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Twitter- @ZeraTheRedRogue
If you are interested in helping support the Shiba Shenanigans, maybe become a patron of mine? Thank you so much for your time and consideration. ^^
As always- This is The Red Rogue, and I’ll see you guys around.
*Okayest Rogue in North America is subject to debate and might be less than or more than Okayest at any given time.
0:00:00 Introduction/Overview
0:00:49 Broker Benefits
0:01:32 Finding Dreadlords
0:01:47 Regular Nathrezim Abilities
0:03:12 Zul’gamux Abilities
0:06:00 Closing Thoughts
0:07:14 Thank you for watching! ^^
Also, it appears that the dreadlord positions are the same EVERY time you do that same key. I'm not sure if there is a weekly rotation to them moving or not, but so far their positions have been identical in the dozens of keys I've done. I hope this guide helps you get started in the final season of Shadowlands M+! ^^ Have a great day. <3
1 likeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Nice summary. Thanks for the info 🙂
Thanks for the great video again. Do you choose crit or vert as outlaw rogue ? What weapon transmorg do you use ? You swing has a special effect.
Great stuff!
Thankyou for the video! I will follow you on twitch
nice thanks man!
Yea that big add its so damn annoying , not worth pulling
Thank you for the neat guide! 🙂
69 giggity points
Thank you for the video. As a healer I was pleasantly surprised by the health and mana regen buff. This isn’t the coolest affix ever but I think it works well for a quickie season.
thanks for the guide!