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Skill Capped EU vs Method
Final | AWC Shadowlands EU Cup 2
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This is Zeepeys year! GJ
Arena Wizard Championship
Blizo play 0? and ppl said than warr is so broke…ppl…
They should be called Burst Capped EU.
The guys don't even have a plan they just burst whoever is in front /clap and btw they are 4 games upfront. They should be brave and giving some cool goes. Are they really true winners?
This gameplay inspired me to main shaman from here out. Hahah
How can whaazz have azzinoth glaive?
Can we make holy paladins actually lose mana its more opressive then all the outs when you get to higher levels. Even if you macro your mana regen properly you are going to lose unless you can get a goos drink
Why is Venruki constantly screaming? Is he okay?
че за куйня )
Must be nice being a healer without having the need to use mana.