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Slayer information is updated and ready for the community! This is some BIG warrior news! Get ready for the next expansion to World of Warcraft titled “The War Within”! Super excited to share this information for all of your warrior fans!
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#Bajheera #Gaming #worldofwarcraft
Editor: Quaylin (
This sounds like everything I want for arms.
Slay Queen! 👸
All hail the SLAYER!!!
This is definitely something to try on my Fury dream lol. Fury Bladestorm is back! and with the many Executes we get as Fury without the Rage burnout compared to Arms.
Slayer sounds really cool, like a blademaster from wc3 except the mirror image, will look cool to autohit really fast aswell
So surely, with the extra procs in war, would warriors drop some of their haste for more mastery or crit? Since rage won't be an issue? Great video Baj, as per
Single minded fury might be good if fast attacks with procs is what u need
Slayer seems pretty fun and strong we'll see, more mobility, more dmg, bladestorm spam and so on
That feedback loop for gameplay sounds super fun. Attack to make Execute big, Execute to make Bladestorm big, Bladestorm to make Execute big. Seems like the warrior devs cooked! Hopefully they have input on the priest trees xD
more multipliers…… yay…. i guess
i just read through this and its the most busted thing ive ever seen
Yeah, unless they really mess this up I can only see myself playing Slayer as Fury and Mt Thane as Prot. Mt Thane doesn't sound right as Fury to me lol
Damn, this is the perfect spec for me. I always loved playing fury and arms so thats the perfect mix!
Just based on how other abilities are worded "movement impairing effects" Usually just means slows, not roots. Would be kind of insane if that breaks roots though we'll see.
Stun and kick with bladestorm sounds so nice. No cancle macros ❤
constant pressure is cd reduction , slayers focus is damage increase 2 different things nothing missing just read better
Cant decide if i want to play this or colossus guess i gotta wait for ptb but super super happy with all the warrior options so far!