Sludgefist – Castle Nathria – Shadowlands Beta – FATBOSS

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This fight preview consists of Heroic and Mythic footage from the Castle Nathria raid instance from the Shadowlands Beta. Expect a full guide for this encounter when the instance hits live servers!

Wowhead Guide:

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0:00 : Intro
0:19 : Hateful Gaze
1:04 : Giant Fists/Destructive Stomp
1:33 : Chain Link
2:15 : Roar/Rubble/Slam/Soft Enrage
3:30 : Mythic Changes
4:22 : Normal/Heroic Feedback
6:22 : Mythic Feedback
10:43 : Outro

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26 thoughts on “Sludgefist – Castle Nathria – Shadowlands Beta – FATBOSS”

  1. Back in old days
    Classic raid leader be like Tank face the boss away from raid, DPs kill adds fast.

    Today Shadowlands raid leader be like You must learn algebra, physics and foreign language to kill this boss.

  2. I have an interesting idea for a WA for this fight, There will be a tierlist for all raidmembers, and so no matter who you get linked to, the person higher on the tierlist will be the leader, and the lower one will be the simp, which will automaticly be yelled by ur character, So the leader does the mechics and the simp just follows, it makes deciding where to go twice as fast

  3. ranged linked together
    "they do move in herds…"
    to be honest… the chain link is a joke to me.. 10 yards is a fucking huge range… it's not like 5-6 yards, it's 10 and that's a lot of wiggle room unless you're matched with a derp hunter

  4. Maining a warrior it feels like almost every time I see a video about raid bosses in WoW there's always the comment "it's not melee friendly" lol come on blizz, stop testing fights on hunters or whatever lmao

  5. What are your thoughts on holy paladin so far are the useless or are they fine because it’s the only spec I like and only reason I’m playing SL so if they are poop so I still play or wait till 9.1?


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