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by @MarcelianOnline
by @NixxiomOnYouTube
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Race to world first, but it's a surprise mythic only version of the last boss where all add-ons are removed.
I haven't play wow since mop, I quit at the end of wrath, came back briefly in cata, and mop, but quit in both of those. I only play private servers now, I missed 1/3 or 1/4 of game content until I played on a private server. I honestly don't see the point to return to a paid inferior product and I don't see how they can fix it.
Nixxiom got sponsored to say addons shouldnt be removed
Add-ons are why I never played WoW for more than a week.
Blizzard should make the fights easier so we dont have ti use addons and maybe add an in game damage meter and cooldown tracker
Cancelling my subscription was one of the best ideas for 2024. Dead game, move on.
There's too much going on and the reward for mythic is just a couple of extra ilvs.
runescape os/3 bossing is 10x harder than mystic raiding in wow with addons.
You should give EQ2 a spin, lots of buttons to push like classic WoW, damage numbers in the hundreds of billions at max level, big talent trees to tweak how you want to play your class.
Wish you'd explain that about sod players
Those Europeans *want* the game to look like it’s alive so people follow their content which is hyper focused on WoW not dying. Their evidence is paper thin and that’s being generous. WoW is dying and so is Blizzard and their blue haired antagonistic game design.
ok so lets continue to praise sweaty gameplay like the mage tower and undermine gamplay like m+ because one is considered "mandatory" and the other one isnt and is "only" for cosmetics. However both show a level of determination and skill in the game… BUT BEING GOOD IN A VIDEO GAME DOESNT MATTER, sry to break it to you but NOTHING fucking matters. You can be a looser and get buried next to someone that is rich and yet the amount of money you made during your life still amount to being buried in the ground next to a looser, congrats! you won at life 😀
When you play other games, you realise that WoW has a really shit transmog system
The whole argument that addons have to stay because it would be tons of work to add in the features or because bliz sucks at making a ui is nonsense. Some dude wanted a feature so he just made it himself but everyone acts like it’s a Herculean task for the people that made the game do figure out.
about addons i agree with you basically addons play the game for you …
Addons are just the result of Blizzard laziness. There is another point against addons that I haven't seen you talking about. Because the UI is so different for every player, it is impossible to watch the game uniformly.
Good Video! Love the opinions
Gamers : Put better graphics in WoW i'm tired about pixelised blurred textures and 3 polygons trees
Only WoW players : No, the game is already beautiful
A lot of what gave earlier versions of WoW it's charm was it's accessibility to new players. Retail WoW has basically become a racing sim: Gran Autismo.
i used to think anyone can be good at WoW, but I have mythic raided with people who were clearly trying, that still fail.
It's kinda like me as a onyx in halo infinte.
Saying that people in bronzs opinions on the game don't matter.
They 100% do.
And alot of what's in my opinon what's the problem with hell divers.
I log in to an easy difficulty after getting mobbed by rocket devastators in helldive difficulty.
And get mobbed by them again in easy.
There needs to be a greater discrepancy between difficulty.
So that people can slowly get better, while still having fun and feeling good at the game.
The difference is the dude is just speaking for himself while asmond speaks for the community
This guy literally can't touch grass or breath air. I trust everything he says about WOW.
Mythic raiding isn’t that hard at all, only people who say it is are the people who dedicate their livelihood to it bc they feel insecure
How long in the vanilla game did people still try and get Quel'Serrar for example even into much later raids? It's been too long but i believe there were other examples as well
Blizzard should just remove everything that can track CD of the boss and spell advertissement.
You can't get rid of raid trash. When else am I supposed to do my mid raid poop?
I will live and die by this statement
"While we definitely shouldn't have 4 difficulty levels… since we do. Mythic this highest should be clear by 50% of the playerbase. For Heroic it should be 75% of the playerbase, For normal 90% of the playerbase, and for LFR 100%"
If it was just two difficulties like it should have stayed it would be 50% for Heroic and 80% for normal.
I got my account hacked a long time ago because the mod provider had their website hacked. Had to have the mod to raid and it was only available on that site.
I think that they should have have Mythic be equal to Heroic level raid gear -5 ilvl or some arbitrary number for the next season and Heroic Should be equivalent to Normal -5 ilvl so that your raid gear is still relevant well into the next raid, and so that your work you put in actually feels like it;'s paying off. I'd rather jump off my balcony than do LFR raids, and it's a huge slap in the face to the small percent of mythic raiders who have spent every waking hour of the last few months being able to Mythic raid. If it's a full time job they need to pay at least Minimum wage in gear.
The mother cuts the end of the lamb leg off and puts it in the oven. The daughter sees this, as an addult does the same. The mother wittnesses this and asks why she does this. Her answer "because thats what you always did." Mother "but the oven was too small back then, you can fit the whole leg in these new ovens." This is why questioning the standard is important. I experience this mentality daily and it destroys my faith in humanity. Bunch of followers drowning out leaders.
yeah imo blizzard is taking the easy way out in trying to make their raids last longer with difficulty, what they should do if they want their raids to take up more time is make more bosses but have them at more of a mild difficulty but I'm guessing that would be "to much work"
Limit should clear full mythic with nobody using addons to prove its possible
blizzard should go after ascension and do something like that if they want to have a sort of random thing.
i think it would be a good off shoot of build your own fantasy class.
Does anyone remember the times in Dark Age of Camelot when Darkness Falls would open up to your realm and a spontaneous 'raid' would happen to go clear it out? 40 or 50 people following one leader. Too fun. Sigh.
he segued a point about whether addons are good or bad directly after promotion of an addon company…just sayin
but the thing is , would blz listen? no they won't, so it doesn't matter
I saw the title and thumbnail and was like aw man another smug take. Then I watched it and was like oh yea… he is right I feel the same way.